"Apple is morally superior..."

Fuckwittery and cheapshots? Hardly. Not to mention you weren't using 'scare quotes,' you were trying to make it seem like Steve Jobs said the bullshit statement in the thread title

Why the display of bullying behaviour? "you were trying to make it seem" is just your interpretation. Or to use your argument I could say: "Steve Jobs was trying to make it seem like Apple is morally superior". Would you be happier with that? In context with the links you can interpret it in a literal way -like you did- or you could interpret it in a way that it is implied in a statement which I will elaborate on below.

to get attention.

So? Isn't that the whole point of creating threads? To get attention? What is your point here?

When called out on it, you said it was paraphrasing, which it CLEARLY was not, and then backpedaled to this 'scare quotes' bullshit when I called you out on that.

I didn't backpedal to anything. I just explained that I didn't mean it in a literal way. I've got no problem with admitting when I did wrong. And btw, paraphrasing and using scare quotes are not mutually exclusive rethorical tools.

Again, he never claims moral superiority - he says that Apple has "a moral responsibility to keep porn off the iPhone."

So "You know, there’s a porn store for Android. Anyone can download them. You can, your kids can. That’s just not a place we want to go." in combination with "However, we do believe we have a moral responsibility to keep porn off the iPhone. Folks who want porn can buy and [sic] Android phone." is not suggesting that Apple/Jobs claim/s moral superiority to Google? Am I missing something here?

Read, learn, and try better next time? How about you don't make bullshit statements backed up by bullshit logic and improperly used quote jargon?

If you actually read the wikipedia article you linked to, you'd see that your 'evidence' actually works against you.

Once again, I'm forced to call into question the literacy of a forum member.

Great, resorting to personal attacks. How about you stop trolling and suggesting that I'm bullshitting illiteracy and I'll be more careful in the choice of my words in a thread title for the future? Deal? No need to be so smug. I just get the impression that you're trying to encorner me and since English is not my first language I'm surely not as eloquent as a native speaker. This is not a debate, I was just trying to raise attention, made a personal remark and arguably chose a misleading thread title.

However, this thread seemed to have created some heat and I didn't mean to enflame anybody. In any case, I'll stay away from this thread now, whether or not you disagree with the choice of the thread title (btw, I tried changing it afterwards and it didn't let me). I find it a bit of a strech to nit-pick about 4 words and accuse me of attention whoring in the OT-Tavern of a public discussion board. I've learned my lesson here, sad to see so much aggressiveness around.
Who gives a shit? If you don't like Apple don't buy their shit. That's a far bigger statement than starting bullshit fights in the interwebz