Aptrigga 2 Question


Be Creative, Get Laid
Apr 7, 2009
i got a project that im working on and figured id try out aptrigga....while it def seems like a sweet program...i cant get past a slight latency problem...when i stretch the wav out in pt the hits always seem to still be a little off...not as bad as when i use drumagog but they still dont line up dead on....is there something i can do to get 0 latency or is there always gonna be some?
just grab the printed track and notch it forward a bit....you should do that anyway to check phase with the original track.

and stuff like this goes into the "Equipment" subforum, please
sorry about that i realized it after i posted...i checked the phase and that was fine its just the transients are slightly off with the original im talking minimal but its enough for the dude im doing them for to send them back and say redo the project...so every hit will end up lining up if i move it a little bit? thanks dude
sorry about that i realized it after i posted...i checked the phase and that was fine it was just slightly off with the original...so every hit will end up lining up if i move it a little bit? thanks dude


yeah, just grab the entire track and move it so that one sample lines up with the original.
that's the major advantage of aptrigga...by doing so ERVeRY sample will be in phase, with drumagog you'll have to check and possibly correct every single sample. Aptrigga ftw
it worked...a couple hits were off here and there but all in all that helped...thanks dude...any other tips i should know about this program?
most likely a noob question but what do u mean clean the trigger track? so far i cant get the rolls to trigger right so ive been doing them manually...this thing IMO is way better then drumagog for the past few weeks ive been doing it all manually this just cut my time in half
If you convert your source drum tracks to MIDI information then you can avoid these problems. I've not had an issue with Drumagog since I started using MIDI to key it. The MIDI trigger markers are done in Drumtracker. Whilst it can take a little while longer to set up initially than simply putting drumagog or aptrigga on a track and setting a sensitivity, it gives you more consistency and less hassle down the track. Drumagog would always fuck up for me on tom rolls, or flamming snares. Now I've not had an issue since using Drumtracker. This way I get the benefit of being able to use a mixture of SD2.0, SSD and real drums. Great stuff!
so far all the tracks ive gotten have had so much bleed in the toms that, for me at least, its almost impossible to trigger the toms so i just do them manually...how much does drumtracker cost? it sounds like im gonna have to pick that one up
Also check out KTDrumTrigger, it's free and its main purpose is to convert signals on a track above a certain threshold into MIDI notes :)
so far all the tracks ive gotten have had so much bleed in the toms that, for me at least, its almost impossible to trigger the toms so i just do them manually...how much does drumtracker cost? it sounds like im gonna have to pick that one up


Costs a little bit, but for me worth it for the headaches it solved! I think I'd lose more money than that in the time I'd spend per mixing session manually trying to fix Drumagog's numerous screw-ups.
yeh right now i dont have the money for that :(...and KTD wont wrap for some reason and go into pro tools...any other ideas fellas, aside of "just quit whining and get to work" lol
ok so new problem and this is taking hours away from this project....say i sample the kick track with aptrigga...on that actual sample track everything seems to be almost dead on...then i bounce the track out of pro tools (because if i just pull the audio file out of the folder it has the samples and the original playing with it) then i put the track back in...everything seems to be off...i tried recording to another track...and the same problem...what can i do to get rid of this problem...also the only time the wave looks out of time is when its stretched out to almost as far as it can go without starting to just look like thin lines...idk if thats standard to do or what but i know this is really diggin into my time with the project