BY THE WAY (new Aptrigga user wants tips)


boom tap boom-boom tap
Jul 2, 2008
Just bought APtrigga2. Hello sampling, my name is Allan. Anything I should know?

I actually have a question now. Why can't the program keep up with fast hits?

¯\(°_o)/¯ How do APtrigga?
Hehe. Welcome to drum replacement. I'll let a more knowledgable member dive into this one. I think this has been covered a few times before, though.

EDIT: Have you read This Thread yet?
Welcome...Aptrigga is the shit.

please make sure to have a meaningful threadtitle, post in the right subforum, read the stickies and use the search-function...this thread prooves you haven't done any of those things :)
It can handle the most ridiculous drumming, just gotta mess with the settings until it works right. Sometimes I have to work on the chain before apTrigga by using a transient designer if the drummer hits like a bitch or something but that's not every project. I don't automate apTrigga either, once I have it set it handles everything fine from then on. Main thing is threshold and hold time, those are big keys IMO, getting those set right.
My apologies, I also misspelled "by" :goggly:. Thanks for the movement/reiteration of the thread. Yes sir I have read the thread, It doesn't have much info in Aptrigga.

My current problem is that it's not picking up drum rolls, or the Hi hat. I'm using it to replace the normal EZDrummer if that makes any difference. I've already tried setting the filter freq to the 200 and 2k area(for snare) and 1-7k (for hats). It seems to be getting my 16th kick notes well though. Any suggestions?

And thanks for the tip 006. Didn't see you posted a minute before I did :P
try stripping silence before triggering.
just erase everything between the very first transients on rolls, that way apptrigga will trigger much more accurately.
I usually do that with every single hit during the editing phase, that way I don't have to worry about anything later
I seemed to have fixed the snare problem by setting the threshold a little higher, go figure.

I'm still having a problem with these damn hats though. It doesn't want to detect the faster "hat blasts". I also can't cut anything from the track because it's just a midi->ezdrummer->track->aptrigga

EDIT: Problem solved, just took a lot of back and forth tweaking. Still love the program/highly prefer to drumagog! The price tag is much sweeter aswell.
I'm thinking about getting apTrigga 2, and I got some questions, didn't want to make a separate thread.

So here:

is it possible (and if so, is it easy?) to use it just to play samples with midi? There was something about a SpikeGen but I don't want to use it to make patterns, just to trigger a bassdrum sound with a midi track I've set up. Not that it would matter too much, I could also just make it replace the bassdrum sound from SD2.0. (in fact, that could be even easier)

Also, does it trigger the sample with the same playing dynamic all the time or can it be set to play the sample back quieter as well, if the midi track has different velocities?

Not sure about the velocities part, but you're second paragraph describes exactly how I use it - program all the drums in S2.0, and then once they're done, make a new track, put APTrigga on it, and cut/paste all the kick notes onto it so I can load a sample of my choosing! However, I discovered a glitch in Reaper, namely that it won't alternate between two samples if the velocity is at 127, but bringing it down to 126 solved that :D
to do that, do you put the SpikeGen thing on a VST track and paste the midi actually INTO the APTrigga plugin? Or just into the track its used on?
Well I don't know what the SpikeGen thing is, I just

- Create a new track
- Cut all the kick notes from the S2.0 MIDI track and paste them up on the new one
- Put APTrigga on the new one, load in two different hits from one sample session, set it to alternate, and go!
in this case, do you use aptrigga as an instrument or an effect over other sounds?

I'm just asking because I think the instrument version of aptrigga is the included "SpikeGen" that is "used to create patterns", but if you don't use that... ¯\(°_o)/¯
I just use it as a MIDI-triggered sampler :) In fact, here's a video I made when I was trying to figure out the problem of samples not alternating (and before I figured out the glitch), that should clarify!

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okay, that clarifies it, thanks.

Need to get it soon, it seems to have lots of useful features along with the obvious ones.