Reasons why Logic 9 is stupid

Obviously, the panning level is also graphically shown at all times. I really can't understand what's so difficult about it.

I think it's not so much a case of being difficult, it's just irritating, which is fair enough I think.

The whole "mix with your ears" things is all very well when you're talking about fader levels, GR in your compressor or whatever, but panning isn't really the same. Panning is largely a no-brainer; most people pan guitars/drums etc. the same in every project, and 99 times out of 100 you're going to want the guitars to be panned the same each side - so it's hardly a cardinal sin to just type in 80L and 80R rather than twirling a knobs on a mixer with your eyes shut until they sound about the same, especially when your monitors may not even be giving you an even stereo image. It's quicker, easier, and arguably more accurate to rely on the figures rather than what you're hearing for panning purposes.

So with the Logic thing: firstly we're much more used to counting in 10s and 100s - 30L makes instant sense, whereas 19 out of 63 isn't nearly as immediate. Secondly, there's no need to show those numbers - even if the back-end of the program is following MIDI principles, it doesn't mean the interface needs to show it in the same values. It doesn't matter that it's not a huge problem and it doesn't affect your mixing, it's still being obtuse for no good reason.

I heard Logic was gay because 90% of it's users are men.

Also, Telescopes Are Gay!

Thank the Flying Spaghetti Monster that I don't track drums, Adam makes it sound like I might be bashing my head on a desk.
Hopefully someone can tell me how to make these parts of Logic ungay but so far I am not stoked.

1. Pasting an item inside of another item doesn't work properly. Even with drag set to No Overlap, it leaves the region underneath overlapping. And it won't let me crossfade on the edges. So I cannot paste good drum hits over bad ones. End of story.

2. When I drag a region, it does not show the waveform as you are dragging. This is ridiculous. I cannot tell where I am moving anything. If I am trying to phase align a sample, it cannot be done without a bunch of trial and error and bullshit guessing.

3. You cannot see the grid behind regions, they are totally opaque so the only time reference you have are tiny ticks at the top of the screen.

4. The playhead can only be positioned in the ruler. Makes it a bitch trying to line it up at the beginning of a transient somewhere to paste.

5. Flex mode is sooo fucking weak compared to Beat Detective. It does not show you how it is "fixing" things at all and you cannot correct anything it doesn't do properly since you don't have access to any of the crossfades that it must be making behind the scenes, in true Apple "we do everything for you and everything is easy *mumble*but if something doesn't work exactly right the automatic way you are fucked*mumble*" fashion. I was just trying to fix some drums earlier and I kept getting a dropout in my overheads between two hits. I couldn't figure out why and couldn't fix it because flex time doesn't let me see what's going on behind the scenes to allow me to fix things manually.

7. GIVE ME A GODDAMN SLIDER FOR ADJUSTING TRANSIENT SENSITIVITY! It's there in the Drum Replacement function! But in the sample editor we get two gayer than aids buttons that can't even keep up with me clicking at a slow pace and leave me no visual reference of where the sensitivity is actually sitting. The fucking transient detection should be universal throughout the whole program.

9. Why can't I rearrange tracks in the mix window? They follow no logical order, they don't even match up with the order I put them in in the arrange window.

10. Panning from -64 to +63 is retarded. Yes I understand the 0-127 MIDI relation. But if -64 = +63, then -2 = +1 and -1 = 0... sooo, two positions for center? How do I pan things symmetrically if it's not 100% either way? Yes, I know I could never hear the difference. Still super annoying to my anal self.

While i agree you are being too anal about something, i agree with some of those points (those quoted). I started with Logic 9 a few weeks ago and so far I dont trust it for being my main daw. It is a tool for me. But every daw has its shortcomings, so it's a matter of getting used to them.

One more annyoing thing in Logic 9 is that you can't use flex editing for songs with multiple tempos. So you gotta split every section, import 'em on different projects (or just keep screwing with the grid positioning on every part when changing tempos) and then build the whole song back. Like Adam said, gay.
Will do, any questions I've asked so far though have been ignored. Much like the reaper community where anyone who does need the feature you are looking for doesn't use that DAW so no one is there to help.

It's been hit and miss for me but they've been helpful over there in most part.

I just tried to drag a region for an audio file in one of my projects and it does show the waveform.. it's "dimmed" a bit but I see it. I click on the region, the hand appears and the region dims but I see the waveform as I drag.

I track mostly guitar/vox/bass and program the drums so I don't run into associated probs you get there. And not seeing the grid is lame, most of the time I can snap though cause I'm a metronome nazi, I changed the grid background to darker tho, it's easier to see anyhow.

I do agree that not being able to just grab and rearrange in the mix window is weak, here's a tip I got regarding that.. haven't tried it yet. (looks like just moving in arrange but it was a response to someone asking about the mix section)

The ability to move whole groups of tracks at once from one part of the arrange to another is one of the minor holy grails of Logic. Folders to the rescue here! This method works quickly if you've got key commands set up for Pack and Unpack Folder. Make sure to select the destination track before you select your regions:

• Select destination track where you want regions/tracks to appear above
• Select regions whose tracks you want to move
• Pack folder
• Unpack folder - poof, there's all your tracks with their regions at the new location!

You still have to delete the empty duplicate tracks that got left behind but that's easy.

Whether you're moving groups of different tracks or ten guitar tracks living on the same track object, this works great. (Caveat - since the Unpack Folder command sometimes creates unpredictable results, some shuffling/reordering may occur.)

I don't see shit when dragging a waveform. I REALLY want this functionality!!!
I've been using protools since version 5 and today I got given a copy of Logic 9 with the challenge of actually using it for 3 months (non critical sessions only).

On day 1 I've already ran into almost every problem u just brought up and I'm hating it. However, I wanna to win this pseudo double dare so I'm going to stick with it and show this whore who's boss.....I hope.
I've been using protools since version 5 and today I got given a copy of Logic 9 with the challenge of actually using it for 3 months (non critical sessions only).

On day 1 I've already ran into almost every problem u just brought up and I'm hating it. However, I wanna to win this pseudo double dare so I'm going to stick with it and show this whore who's boss.....I hope.

If you ever develop a workflow in Logic that you get comfortable enough with to not be desperately clinging to ProTools with all your strength please let me know.
ok I'm about 2 hours into actually using it (did a bunch of updating, installing extra dvds of loops and stuff) and here's a list of likes and dislikes thus far.
All of this is totally mixing related as I havn't tackled any editing yet.


1. Love the highlight and latch volume's in the mix more switching groups on and off.

2. like how Busses are either mono or stereo

3. Overall like the internal plugins in the few moments I've tried them.

4. Being able to set up plug in chains.


6. Total customization of all the parameters, toolbars and key commands.


1. I am finding the group assignments a little cumbersome (above post negates problems for now)

2. until I read about the automation writing work around, I hated not being able to move aux tracks

3. UNDO does not take track volume moves. (option to switch this on?)

4. The whole mono/stereo way it deals with tracks is a little wierd to me. Like it took 2 guitar tracks that weren't ever paired and put them together cause they were labeled "gtr main L and gtr main R".

thats really it so far.....until we get to editing/actually dealing with audio.
Oh it's coming just wait :lol:

Really? I have been watching PT tutorials online and the waveforms are moving when people are dragging just fine...?

I want to like Logic, BADLY. I think I can get used to it but fuck some of it is retarded. That fader undo has jumped to the top of the list of things I despise about it.

Is Snow Leopard that brutal for everything? Think Apple will send me a copy of Leopard if I call and bitch about all the incompatibility issues? Dude I miss Windows XP.
Really? I have been watching PT tutorials online and the waveforms are moving when people are dragging just fine...?
Show me a vid of it. I know Shane (uber power user) found a way but he never released the code.
This pic is from a minute ago on my PC, I'm 99% my mac doesn't show the waveforms while dragging either. In the pic I'm dragging the region to the left.


The problem with Snow Leopard is the Digi and M-Audio drivers aren't done yet and there's only a buggy pre-release of PT. It took 6 months for them to release a version that worked with Leopard, 7.4.2

I haven't gone over to Snow Leopard yet, my local Apple store doesn't stock the discounted upgrade disk so I haven't bothered yet, not that I really want to jump into known compatibility issues.

Logic SHOULD be the better DAW, no limitations right? I couldn't get into it.
It might be worth doing a 1 on 1 tutorial with someone, I doubt the dudes at the Apple store will know how to quantize multitrack drums though.
Show me a vid of it. I know Shane (uber power user) found a way but he.
This pic is from a minute ago on my PC, I'm 99% my mac doesn't show the waveforms while dragging either. In the pic I'm dragging the region to the left.

You are correct. It does not work for Macs, and only works on PCs with Shanes' Hacks.
Let's take GR meters off compressors and mix with just our ears. Hell, while we're at it, let's ditch all meters! And the faders should read "NO SOUND" at the bottom and "FUCKLOADS" at the top! Actually, I'm plugging my display off tright nwoow so it wo+nt ditsarct me.-

I can absolutely imagine the panning thing irking someone off. It's little things like these that made me fall in love with ProTools. Everything just seems to be the way I want it to, and I don't have to learn working on the software's rules. If the working environment just doesn't feel right, even if it's because such small details, it will affect your workflow and the end results.

being a bit unreasonable?