Questions for Logic 9 gurus


Apr 12, 2002
Cambridge, Ontario, Canada
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VERY seriously considering switching to Logic in the next week, just wanted to start a thread to ask some questions I have...

First question, is there anything generally agreed upon that current users of Logic 9 hate/are pissed off about/want to switch to another DAW because of? Or is it handling everything as well as I've read?

Second question, drum quantizing. With the slice mode and Flex tool, I am very nervous about the lack of customization available in how it behaves. I understand you can manually add/remove detected transients which is crucial, but on top of that, how exactly does it slice and comp the files? Like, I am skeptical of the fact that I don't set any trailing pad, any fade lengths, etc. nor do I get to see any of the crossfades being created or have the option to move them around if for some reason it causes my ride to flam when I move the snare for example... Am I right in being nervous or is it totally easy to cut the file anywhere I hear an anomaly and manually trim and crossfade where I need to to fix it? I feel like it is quantizing and then rendering the quantized audio since it isn't leaving me with all the slices and fades individually. Can you still access the original unquantized tracks to fix crossfades and stuff easily? Like, in ProTools if I encounter that ride flam situation, I can still move the crossfade to the left a bit to fix it. If I can't see any crossfades or separate regions, how can I perform these edits?

Those are my main ones right now, I will guaranteed think of more, but any Logic users who want to chime in with why they like Logic vs whatever other DAW and what they don't like about Logic would be uber appreciated.
Studio is gonna limit you when it comes to multi out instruments (or at least it did) and the included plugins. See if you can get someone to grab it for you on an academic discount, Pro was only $230 at my university store.

I'll wait for Machinated to chime in on editing. I've not had proper time to play with my copy yet, and he's been going strong since 8 with it. From what he's told me, the automated quantizing actually works really well, once you set up the transient markers properly.
Well, i've been asking this editing customization thing myself. One thing that's bothering me it's that I cant find a 'sensivity' setting for detecting the transients used for the flex markers or whatever they're called. There's those + and - things, but it still aint no sensivity thing..Besides that's i've been lucky so far with the auto crossfades and stuff, but once in a while i get some ride flams, and i just move the region around until i find one setting that's good. hope there's a better way tho'.
That's what bothers me. A slider would be nicer. I am also too used to Nuendo, and i can't something that resembles a 'group' channel and the 'control room' (for setting individual volumes and click volumes for phones/monitors. Also it seems there's no option for audio click track besides sending the click to a instrument...oh god, just hate changing my workflow..