Reasons why Logic 9 is stupid

Editing is where it'll be interesting..

Add that "no undoing fader movements" to my list in the first post. That is so gay. You also can't undo changes to plugin parameters. Undo pretty much only applies to the arrange window.

Certaintly ;)
i started using pro tools on 7.4(.2 - Leopard Mac OSX) and I love it more and more. I'm on 8.0.1 - waiting for a totally stable version compatible with Snow Leopard.

People slag off digidesign a lot but the work flow seems far superior to other DAWs. I was also using cubase for 2 years prior to switching to PT but it wasn't as user friendly. I rarely have to reference any books/manuals or ask on the DUC for help because Pro Tools is almost self-explanatory; the process which makes sense to the user is usually the solution to any problem.

Adam mate, prepare yourself for Beat Detective. That is all
Day 2 of actually using Logic 9, and I can say my list of Pros is growing alot bigger then my list of cons right now.....

Once I went in and programmed all my usual PT key commands and adjusted a few parameters....I am starting to feel at home. Would I claim I can edit drums like I can in PT? absolutely not, but I wouldn't say it's out of the realm of possibility.

I'll never ditch protools, but Logic is actually seeming (pun intended) logical now....
Now that I've dug deeper, there are some things I can't really understand...

I can't get the anchor point to actually play the file in Arrange window from where the anchor point is! It doesn't do anything! What am I doing wrong?

Also, when I have an audio file ready in the audio editor, there are all sorts of editing tools, but they're all greyed out and I can't apply them to the audio file I have there... What the fuck? Nothing seems to help.