apTrigga problems


You Are Bewitched!
Sep 24, 2006
Sydney, Australia
Thanks to the sheer fucking awesomeness of Black Neon Bob's drum soud, I immediately downloaded the apTrigga2 demo of their site today. Since I use Battery for the programmed kicks, I put apTrigga as a VST effect for Battery (Neon Bob used apTrigga in conjunction with Drumagog, for comparison). Now the problem is that, though in Audacity I've compared the awesome Shadows Fall trigger sample with my Battery kick sample to check whether the beater timing is similar, which it certainly is... but when I'm in Sonar and I did the aforementioned process, the timing is fucked up big time especially in double bass of course. ApTrigga claims to have no latency, so I guess it can't be that. I've noticed that the "gain" and "hold time" knobs play a part in the mismatch, but I can't seem to get any setting to work properly. Anyone can help me here? Cheers :)
Hey dude, does the waveform look allright in aptrigga?
I know about two shadow's fall triggers, one is cut up wrong and has a 1/4th of a second pause before it get's triggered.. the other is fine as it is.
Yeah mate, I'm using the one without the pause (i.e the one called "Shadows Fall kick"). I'll play around a bit more to see if the timing eventually gets right, though it's not as easy to fix as with Drumagog, where the latency bar fixed everything straight away. Cheers
Hey dude, is it OK if you can post a quick clip of a double-bass run with the set-up you used on the Toxic Grind Machine song so I can hear how I'm going? Only the bass drums, nothing else necessary. You're the best mate, thanks.