Aquarius Records

I've never really had an issue with their delivery times, it's their prices I take exception with. I think they're damn expensive. Great store, great site (the descriptions are better than most 'zine reviews), but they've got to cut the prices.

With that said, I recognize they have the overhead of running a "brick and mortar" store as well. And realty prices in downtown San Francisco are pure fantasy, they are unreal.
Yeah I'm with JayK, their service is great, their prices are a bit high. But, they have a lot of shit you can't get elsewhere, so you bite the bullet and pay actual "normal" prices for CDs like you did before the days of the $9 distro. :Spin:
One Inch Man said:
Yeah I'm with JayK, their service is great, their prices are a bit high. But, they have a lot of shit you can't get elsewhere

Seriously, browsing that site is an education in itself. It's like a metal store full of non-metal albums that would appeal to metal fans.

so you bite the bullet and pay actual "normal" prices for CDs like you did before the days of the $9 distro. :Spin:

Those were the days... :tickled:

One day when the economy is out of the toilet, we'll get those days again, but until then, we must live life in the dark age. (I'm preparing for my Scalzi interview tonight).
^ Psionic Illuminations is SO the best song on Deadmen :loco: and I thought I was the only one...

It's smooth like a baby's ass

edit: fuck you for ruining my arrow, NAD

edit the second: Bigelf fucking rules! where the HELL do we get these cds from?

np: Bigelf - Madhatter
Demilich said:
edit the second: Bigelf fucking rules! where the HELL do we get these cds from?

np: Bigelf - Madhatter

About time someone fucking listens besides me and IofTheStorm!!!!!! You can find em, but be prepared to pay a little more than usual. You can find the non full-lengths around at a few places like
JayKeeley said:
(I'm preparing for my Scalzi interview tonight).
