

Oct 13, 2002
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Has anyone heard this band? I was just at the Aquarius Records site and stopped to read one of their little reviews when I saw an album cover that looked cool. As usual, they sold me with the review before I even heard a sample.

Aquarius Records said:
Quite possibly the heaviest Nadja record yet, this is a serious slab of spaced out, acid fried, FX drenched doom, all wrapped in thick swirls of soft fuzz, and dense clouds of blurry buzz, a monstrous caveman plod through a thick, smeary sonic storm. It's like Godflesh wrapped in My Bloody Valentine filtered through some Wolf Eyes, or the Swans covered by the Jesus And Mary Chain, remixed by Tim Hecker. Or even Mogwai's Young Team run through a bank of effects pedals and played back at 16rpm. Heavy and pretty, punishing but strangely serene.

You can listen to two whole albums streamed on their label's site.
I foolishly passed up the opportunity to catch this band live a few weeks ago with Six-Winged Seraph. I was really tired, and told him I might go put probably wouldn't. Shoulda gone.

I've heard samples from their new release and a couple of songs from Bodycage, but that's all. I plan to buy some of it when I have money and happen to remember about it.
Ellestin loves them. "Skin Turns to Glass" & "Truth Becomes Death" especially. I don't like Jesu at all but live they were really good. Huge huge sound.
I have "Skin Turns to Glass", "Touched" and "Truth Becomes Death", which are all pretty much mindblowing orgies of droning dirt with some majesty in it, while quite different from one another in terms of general flavour. I wouldn't push the Jesu comparison too far though. I dislike Jesu.