Epicus Covidicus Metallicus: The GMD 2020 Metal Megathread

Listening to bands of a given subgenre that are new to me is like having a particular dish at a bunch of different restaurants I'd never been to before, only to find almost none of them appeal compared to the versions of the dish I've developed a taste for. I've figured out too well exactly what I like, so they have to either match that or have some newfangled point of difference. Unless I made a connection by seeing the band live or hearing them years ago or something.

And what makes or breaks a band for me is mostly the vocals, along with production to a lesser degree. All in a way that doesn't align well with what everyone else gets hyped about, so searching can get tiring. Being a picky motherfucker is a skill!
Eating the same food all the time is a horrible existence to me. I suppose I’m always trying something new. Even if it might be gross.
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Going around two years now with covid, my wifes pregnancy (and difficulties) and become dad I havent taken much time to myself lately.

I do occasionally still go. Last year seemed wet all year here.
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1. Megaton Sword - Blood Hails Steel - Steel Hails Fire
2. Absurd - Pure Darkness
3. Ironsword - Servants of Steel
4. Witches Hammer - Damnation is My Salvation
5. Eternal Champion - Ravening Iron
6. Black Sword Thunder Attack - March of the Damned
7. Svolder - The Beast's Mercenaries
8. Solicitor - Spectral Devastation
9. Invincible Force - Decomposed Sacramentum
10. Question - Reflections of the Void
i haven't exactly deep-dived the year but it's probably my #1 too, it's kind of shallow i guess but i don't give a shit when basically every song is huge.

question fucking rules as well. i should check out that absurd.
Listening to bands of a given subgenre that are new to me is like having a particular dish at a bunch of different restaurants I'd never been to before, only to find almost none of them appeal compared to the versions of the dish I've developed a taste for. I've figured out too well exactly what I like, so they have to either match that or have some newfangled point of difference. Unless I made a connection by seeing the band live or hearing them years ago or something.

And what makes or breaks a band for me is mostly the vocals, along with production to a lesser degree. All in a way that doesn't align well with what everyone else gets hyped about, so searching can get tiring. Being a picky motherfucker is a skill!
I think this sounds pretty much like what I've felt like for the last 20 years or so. Nowadays, I may discover a new band I really do like every other year. The positive aspect of this is that it allows me to listen more often to the new albums I buy as well as to older stuff I still do love. I only have got time to listen to music for about 3-4 hours each day (a bit more on weekends and during holidays). I've got currently about 800 albums (metal and non-metal) and I listen to about 120 to 150 of them each year, to some only once, whereas the most-played get up to 150 spins (sometimes even more) per year. Thus if I bought 50 new albums each year (like I did in the late eighties/early nineties), it would be impossible to listen to them as often as the few new albums I buy nowadays, let alone to listen to older albums I still love as much as I want to.
I'm tempted to throw another list up and see if I can confuse the final count! :P
And So It Goes.....

1. Demoniac - So It Goes

2. Orion - Mysterivm Cosmogaphicvm

3. Draghkar - At the Crossroads of Infinity

4. Apep - The Invocation of the Deathless One

5. Autonoesis - S/t

6. Cosmic Putrefaction - The Horizons Towards Which Splendour Withers

7. Witches Hammer - Damnation is My Salvation

8. Molder - Vanished Cadavers

9. Evildead - United States of Anarchy

10. Macabre - Carnival of Killers
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Main list 2.0 (revised autism):


1. Macabre - Carnival of Killers
Favourite song: "Stinky"


2. Repuked - Dawn of Reintoxication
Favourite song: "Morbid Obsessions"


3. Couch Slut - Take a Chance on Rock 'n' Roll
Favourite song: "I'm 14"


4. Undergang - Aldrig i livet
Favourite song: "Menneskeæder"


5. Void Moon - The Autumn Throne
Favourite song: "The Autumn Throne"


6. Khthoniik Cerviiks - Æequiizoiikum
Favourite song: "Δt (Recite the Kriitiikal Mæss)"


7. Isengard - Vårjevndøgn
Favourite song: "Slash at the Sun"


8. Slave Hands - No More Feelings
Favourite song: "Forgotten Trail"

9. Malokarpatan - Krupinské ohne
Favourite song: "Krupinské ohne poštyrikráte teho roku vzplanuli"


10. Freeways - True Bearings
Favourite song: "Dead Air"
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