Arbeit Macht Frei !


the sick one
Dec 1, 2001
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i bet there is a lot of blackmetal-people here, so:

what do u think about nazi-lyrics, holocaust and all this shit ?
and should metal get more political ?
i personally think, it should be more...and bands should make more statements against those fuckin annoying nazi-pricks...
i know that carnivore was a nazi-band as don't start to tell me about this, and it's the only naziband i have in my collection...but they fuckin ROCK!
Arbeit Macht Frei is a lyrical passage of the Impaled Nazarene song Zum Kotzen. And that's the thing which I think about Nazis.
Originally posted by Torgoth
What bands are nazibands?
Maybe the best known is Burzum. Also the whole NSBM-scene (duh...) including Graveland, Absurd, Kristallnacht, Vlad tepes, Moonblood, Godless north, Mutiilation, Gontyna Kry, Veles, Abyssic hate, Capricornus, Osculum Infame, Thor's Hammer to name a few.

I listen to NSBM, I don't have a problem with that. I have a problem with their ideas, but I don't see why that should interrupt me from listening to good music. It's about the music, not about the politics. Politics are the most disgusting thing invented by mankind.
But a band that puts burning jews on their covers (don't remember the name, i thought it was buchenwald oven) I don't want to give credit.
Bottom line is Black Metal has nothing to do with political views... but that won't stop me from listening to the music and just fuck the ideas! Metal has nothing to do with gay politics!
Originally posted by MacMoney
Arbeit macht Fleisch!

Yes!! That's what I thought this post was about, ah well

Maybe the best known is Burzum

I've got a taped interview with Varg and it seems that although he associated with Nazis and even agreed with many of their ideals, he doesn't consider himself a Nazi. His message is one of anti-Christianity, particularly that Norway should return to the worship of Nordic Gods. He is, politically speaking, a fascist though. He tells of how he believes that when people become old and frail they should be encouraged to "simply walk into the woods and die".