Arcane Rain Fell?


Jan 30, 2006
Pittsburgh, PA
I had sometime this afternoon. So's I filled up my Bong and did a couple of hits. A friend of mine said I needed to listen to "Arcane Rain Fell" by Draconian. She thought I would like it. I had some free downloads on Rhapsody, so I pulled it up. I don't know if this has been discussed before, but the singer sounded(to me) just like Paul Kuhr, in both singing and spoken word. I was so stunned I had to do another bong hit. I continued to listen and thought the guitar tone is similiar to Larrys. Once again, another hit, and then I thought I heard My Dying Bride in some of the keys. Has this occurred to anyone else? Or should I just continue to do Bong hits!! They do sound somewhat derivitive.:zombie:
I've heard of the band Draconian but I don't believe I've ever heard a note by them before. After reading this I went to their Myspace page to listen to them......I can see the similarities with the spoken word/death growl vocals I guess. I don't think his voice particularly sounds like Paul's, but the general style of what the guy is going for is definitely similar. That's just kind of a staple of the death/doom genre as a whole. And it's a big part of why we're moving away from that. We were doing it before most, like it or not. This Draconian doesn't sound bad at all. But.....not really my thing anymore. I won't speak for anyone else in the band, but I will be more than happy to get far away from this style. I'm not knocking the genre or the bands and fans who love it, but it's just not my thing. Well anyhow....

I'm surprised people haven't tried to insinuate that we've ripped off this band too, since everyone seems convinced that we just rip off the Europeans at every turn *sigh* I guess being from Chicago we're only supposed to sound like blues, rap, or Smashing Pumpkins.
Draconian are definitely an excellent band in my book, and you should probably check out Doom:vs, the solo project of their frontman.
Doom/death, or any form of metal or music in general for that matter, doesn't have to be top notch original imho. If it's well done and touches the strings it needs to touch, it's all good. I've never understood why people put "originality" on a pedestal that much. There are many different ways to look at it. Most of the time, and this probably goes for what Larry said concerning ND as well, people just make comparisons to other bands so they can boast with name dropping, like saying "look at all the bands I know".
Screw that. Good music is good music, period. As long as you're not shamelessly copying another band's work, but you're making your own music, that's just grand. Who cares if it sounds "similar" to this or that? Bloody hell, if you're a fan of the genre (quite an argument, I know), you should be thrilled there's another great band playing great music. If you're not a fan of the genre, why bother? That makes as much sense as someone accusing all black metal bands of sounding alike while they're not into any of them to start with. (Although, granted, that also has to do with prejudice.)
Of course that's just the way I look at it.
Gave Arcane Rain Fell a listen last night, and yes, there are similarities in the spoken word. His inflection is reminiscent of Paul's. Other than that, I'm not really seeing much of a comparison.

And personally, I'm glad that ND is "moving away" from the typical Doom style. I like what you guys are doing now much better anyway.
Draconian are definitely an excellent band in my book, and you should probably check out Doom:vs, the solo project of their frontman.
Doom/death, or any form of metal or music in general for that matter, doesn't have to be top notch original imho. If it's well done and touches the strings it needs to touch, it's all good. I've never understood why people put "originality" on a pedestal that much. There are many different ways to look at it. Most of the time, and this probably goes for what Larry said concerning ND as well, people just make comparisons to other bands so they can boast with name dropping, like saying "look at all the bands I know".
Screw that. Good music is good music, period. As long as you're not shamelessly copying another band's work, but you're making your own music, that's just grand. Who cares if it sounds "similar" to this or that? Bloody hell, if you're a fan of the genre (quite an argument, I know), you should be thrilled there's another great band playing great music. If you're not a fan of the genre, why bother? That makes as much sense as someone accusing all black metal bands of sounding alike while they're not into any of them to start with. (Although, granted, that also has to do with prejudice.)
Of course that's just the way I look at it.

Point well-taken Lion Frost. Please don't assume that I was/am making "comparisons, and can boast with name dropping, look at all the bands I know" I'm much too old for that mentality. I listen to music because I like it , it has some fuckin' "depth" to it and the artist is concerned with their conveyance of the music being done wth integrity. I would say that ND certainly do that for me, and I to love the direction they are moving towards. Draconian, was reccommended to me by a girl, who thinks happiness is lying on a bed of nails with a 100 pound cement block on her chest, you know, the pain will make everything alright type of human. That being said, Draconian are not a "bad" band. It was the first time(yesterday) I had heard them. I liked to a small degree what I heard. I respect their obvious talent. But, the comment I made at the end of my original post, "they sound derivitive" may have rubbed some the wrong way. That was certainly NOT my intention. I was just trying to instill some conversation. And sure, I'm still floating around in a THC haze, but it helps me to be more aware of what I'm listening to. (Helps with my Pain also). Peace, man.
I can't decide if their chick singer is hot or not. I've seen pictures where I've thought "Hell yeah I would" and then some where I thought "Maybe if I was quite drunk."
Wolftribe, man you seem like a good guy. I've seen their singer and she's doable and cute. But, the real question should be, Would she do you after she saw you, man? Just a thought, I've ended up with girls, when I was completely drunk and smoked and thought, "There's no way I'm doin' this girl, and my cock crawled into my body to hide. So, for me, I don't care how drunk i would get. But hey, that's just me.
I've never understood why people put "originality" on a pedestal that much. There are many different ways to look at it. Most of the time, and this probably goes for what Larry said concerning ND as well, people just make comparisons to other bands so they can boast with name dropping, like saying "look at all the bands I know".
Screw that. Good music is good music, period. As long as you're not shamelessly copying another band's work, but you're making your own music, that's just grand. Who cares if it sounds "similar" to this or that? Bloody hell, if you're a fan of the genre (quite an argument, I know), you should be thrilled there's another great band playing great music.

AMEN! :worship:

Nicely stated. I could not agree more. I feel the same way. I just don't get why if you absolutely LOVE a particular band, that you would HATE other bands that sound similar. It just doesn't make any sense. Like you said, "Good music is good music, period."

I wish more metalheads thought like you do!
Point well-taken Lion Frost. Please don't assume that I was/am making "comparisons, and can boast with name dropping, look at all the bands I know" I'm much too old for that mentality. I listen to music because I like it , it has some fuckin' "depth" to it and the artist is concerned with their conveyance of the music being done wth integrity. I would say that ND certainly do that for me, and I to love the direction they are moving towards. Draconian, was reccommended to me by a girl, who thinks happiness is lying on a bed of nails with a 100 pound cement block on her chest, you know, the pain will make everything alright type of human. That being said, Draconian are not a "bad" band. It was the first time(yesterday) I had heard them. I liked to a small degree what I heard. I respect their obvious talent. But, the comment I made at the end of my original post, "they sound derivitive" may have rubbed some the wrong way. That was certainly NOT my intention. I was just trying to instill some conversation. And sure, I'm still floating around in a THC haze, but it helps me to be more aware of what I'm listening to. (Helps with my Pain also). Peace, man.
Oy vey, BloodSword! My post was not directed at you, or anyone else personally - seriously! I was merely commenting the general flow of the discussion, that's all. I'm not that judgmental a person to jump on someone's case as soon as they air their opinion. I think that's one of the cool things about these forums; you get to hear about people's views on things. The not so cool side-effect being things are quickly (and most of the time not deliberately) seen out of context and/or taken very personally.
Somewhat like that thread of Wolftribe there, and his "Collapse of the falling throe" moment. ;) Personally, I think that's hilarious although at the same time I couldn't agree more with the concept of wanting to kick the ass of someone standing at the side, pointing and laughing at the situation. I like to believe metalheads are less like that than those belonging to some other subcultures.
Woosh! Getting back on the subject. Was I deviating just then? 8)

So no, I certainly wasn't criticizing your initial post. If anything, it was more of a reaction to what Larry said about originality, influences, "rip-offs" even.

Just thought I'd make that clear. It's all good.
I can't decide if their chick singer is hot or not. I've seen pictures where I've thought "Hell yeah I would" and then some where I thought "Maybe if I was quite drunk."

I've seen Draconian live.. and let me tell you that the female lead singer is very hot..

I wasn't a huge fan the first time I heard Draconian.. but after a couple of listens I have to say that Draconian are getting to my top 10 favorites:heh:
Well, my friends I stand corrected. Probably not paying attention. Sorry. Not an excuse, but I guess the combination of Bong hits, Oxycontin, pain and a lack of sleep made/make me a little cloudy.
Draconian's album Where Lovers Mourn is amazing I think, but Arcane Rain Fell bored me. anyways, solid band. I dont see a big similarity to Novembers Doom though, and even if there was, ND was around way before Draconian.
For those interested in Draconian, here are some news! Otherwise, look the other way. Thanks for the kind words Paul.:kickass:

The Draconian quest continues. The band has booked the prominent Fascination Street studio (Katatonia, Opeth, etc.) in Örebro to record their fourth release in September this year.
Currently the band is in the last stage of song writing and pre-production recordings in order to finalize this new saga. The album will generally deal with a more diverse and intense sound than previous releases, which should attract both old and new fans as well. The title of the album is yet uncertain, but a few new song titles are "Seasons Apart", "The Failure Epiphany" and "Morphine Cloud". Stay tuned!
