Arch Enemy cover with girlfriend on vocals


Aug 28, 2011
So last night my girlfriend and I decided to record an Arch Enemy cover, as I've suggested before that her voice would fit that genre/band perfectly.

Here is the result:

What do you think?

Technical details:

Axe FX (Marsha HBE model) for guitars and the bass model for bass.
Superior Drummer 2.0 for drums with a replaced kick using ApTrigga.
Filmed using a Canon 550D and edited in Vegas 11.
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Cool mix and playing from both of you! How did you do the drums? Did you program them yourself or did you find a MIDI of it already made? I always wonder how people generally do it. Seems like a pain to go and program the drums yourself unless you don't care if the drum parts arn't exactly like the album.

It wouldn't be a problem to program the drums all by myself, but it would be very time consuming. I just found a guitar pro file on UG and exported the drum track as a midi, and dropped it into Reaper w/ Superior Drummer. It needed some tweaking here and there, but it was quite a painless process. :)

It wouldn't be a problem to program the drums all by myself, but it would be very time consuming. I just found a guitar pro file on UG and exported the drum track as a midi, and dropped it into Reaper w/ Superior Drummer. It needed some tweaking here and there, but it was quite a painless process. :)

yeah that's the thing. I would be way too lazy to program drums myself from scratch for a cover song. THanks for the reply man. I wish I had an axefx and hot girlfriend who likes death metal.