Arch Enemy: disgusted


There is a rain falling
Feb 24, 2002
Canterbury, UK
i really like the band Arch Enemy, and i have done for a while now. But something i heard on my usual Metal radio station Triple J, with the great Andrew Hoag, Tuesday night, changed my mind a fair bit about them.

To start off, some other Aussies may have also heard this Inteview with Guitarist Michael Amott. I have to say i was quite shocked at what he had to say :

This is what some things were said:

Andrew Hoag:' How do you feel about some of your competion, like In Flames and Opeth?'
Michael Amott:' Metal is not a competition to me, i feel we are the best so why would anyone have to compete?'

AH:' Well, i'll rephrase that one, how do you feel about the other bands such as In Flames and Opeth being compared to you?'
MA:' I dont care for any other band, Arch Enemy are the best Black/ Melodic metal band to come out of Sweden, and thats how it will stay. We will become the most commercialised band in the underground metal world ever.'

Thats just a sample of what was said, and i say i was bloody outraged when i heard it.

What does everyone else think of this band after reading this?
You can't tell me that when you listen to Arch Enemy you know that's a female singing unless you saw the pictures. It sounds just like any of the other dudes growling out there!

As far as his comments above... I guess you could look at it as being confident about his music. If he feels that strongly about his music so be it. We all know there are other bands out there playing the same caliber music as them so it's no biggie :)
IMHO that's fine for Mike to say that. May as well be confident in his band, if he isn't no one else will be. I think AE are the biggest selling underground act ever in Japan, so he's probably right about that whole commercial thing (That part of the world loves that whole neo-classical thing, just look at how they worship Yngwie).
Well about the comment of Michael Ammott I have nothing to say but I really like the voice of Johan Liiva and the new vocalist (I don't know her name and I have the CD!!!!) is just like one guy above says "like any other dude growling" so nothing new is going on , Wages of Sin is my less favorite Arch Enemy album.

Lucky I am that they have played here in Chile just before the release of Burning Bridges
Arch Enemy rules, so let the dog bite! Fuck what he´s saying.! That does not improve his talent! You gotta protect what you stand for and desire it too! That´s what he´s doing, that, and promoting his music... That´s only human!
Originally posted by Dvoters

Arch Enemy are the best Black/ Melodic metal band to come out of Sweden, and thats how it will stay. We will become the most commercialised band in the underground metal world ever.'

Arch Enemy aren't even the best band in Gothenburg, let alone Sweden.. If they continue to think that they are in any way better than Opeth then they're just going to embarress themselves.

Employing a gimmick on vocals to raise the band's profile (which, disappointingly, has worked..), certainly hasn't helped their credibility in my books.

Great first album, but they've plunged downhill since then.
Wages of Sin RULES.

So what if it's a girlie on vocals? who cares? Sounds good to me, I didn't even know it was a girl for months after geting WOS. It's easily the best Arch Enemy album.

As for Mikes comments, you don't think he might have had his tongue slightly in his cheek when he said them do you?

Originally posted by goregoat
totally,i hate to listening a band with a female shit!! and arch enemy is those one after dismal euphony.......FUCK THE GIRL ON THE SCENE!!!!

Are you gay? I bet she can growl better than you. Chicks have every right to be in the metal scene, but its people like you that make it hard for us.:mad:
Originally posted by Jesper
why would michael say theyre the best black/melodic etc etc. does he even know what kind of music his band plays? it's far from black .

I don't know really.
I am still pretty keen on AE, I have only just recently picked up WOS, and it KICKS ARSE!!! :headbang:
I looove the vocals and far-out sounding guitars, just all goes together fuckin shweeet.

Im hooked on the track Ravenous at the moment, can't get enough of that track.
Employing a gimmick on vocals to raise the band's profile (which, disappointingly, has worked..), certainly hasn't helped their credibility in my books.

I hate to sound like a know-it-all, but nobody knew the "new vocalist" was a woman 'til the band announced it themselves. Everyone I spoke to that heard the new album before it came out thought it was a man.

Besides, how can you say that she's gimmick when she has a good voice? It's a bit of a sexist attitude really.
Originally posted by DogVomit

Besides, how can you say that she's gimmick when she has a good voice?

I find her vocals to be mediocre at best. She wouldn't have got into the band with those vocals had she been a guy. A sad fact of life.

Also a guy new to a band having to take so much time off due to vocal-related problems would have been sacked and replaced by now (it's what happened to Phil Vane when he joined Napalm Death..).

It's a bit of a sexist attitude really.

I would ask my Mrs to see if she agrees with you, but she's too busy cooking my dinner.
