"ARCH ENEMY welcomes Jeff Loomis as their new guitarist"

A lot of you people crack me the fuck up !!! Dude , who the hell cares if Jeff loomis plays in arch enemy for money or he plays in AE because it appeals to him in a contributing aspect , as far as songwriting ? Now some posts I have read in this thread are logical and at the same time from the heart and expressing Thier own opinion while being open to others . But jeezus pleezus some of you act like this is actually going to ruin your life when it should not even affect your day !!! And by the way what is so terribly wrong with this new girls voice ??? I'm not an arch enemy "fan" yet certainly own and have listened to some of Thier earlier stuff up to around wages of sin and have also seen them live a couple times ( pretty impressive and very tight actually ) They are what they are people.... A group of like minded musicians who need to pay bills and eat , etc. .... So what if they appeal to a greater number of people , big deal ! They do what they are driven to do and are basically accomplished at it . Christ does music made by others have to be geared toward one single mindset or taste ? I think not ... If so just write and record your own personal soundtrack and maybe then you'll be satisfied ! Just an observation from an adult metalhead / musician who was around and involved in the scene that gave birth to all these genres and sub genres we are blessed with. Today ...... Except maybe this Asian baby girl metal thing I see ... I just am at a loss with that completely .... Well most pop I am at a loss with . Open your minds at least a little bit
A lot of you people crack me the fuck up !!! Dude , who the hell cares if Jeff loomis plays in arch enemy for money or he plays in AE because it appeals to him in a contributing aspect , as far as songwriting ? Now some posts I have read in this thread are logical and at the same time from the heart and expressing Thier own opinion while being open to others . But jeezus pleezus some of you act like this is actually going to ruin your life when it should not even affect your day !!! And by the way what is so terribly wrong with this new girls voice ??? I'm not an arch enemy "fan" yet certainly own and have listened to some of Thier earlier stuff up to around wages of sin and have also seen them live a couple times ( pretty impressive and very tight actually ) They are what they are people.... A group of like minded musicians who need to pay bills and eat , etc. .... So what if they appeal to a greater number of people , big deal ! They do what they are driven to do and are basically accomplished at it . Christ does music made by others have to be geared toward one single mindset or taste ? I think not ... If so just write and record your own personal soundtrack and maybe then you'll be satisfied ! Just an observation from an adult metalhead / musician who was around and involved in the scene that gave birth to all these genres and sub genres we are blessed with. Today ...... Except maybe this Asian baby girl metal thing I see ... I just am at a loss with that completely .... Well most pop I am at a loss with . Open your minds at least a little bit

Hahahahahaha... thx.. you crack me up!!!! You should think about using ',' comas in your phrasings... just a thought..... hahhahaha.... thx again.
A lot of you people crack me the fuck up !!! Dude , who the hell cares if Jeff loomis plays in arch enemy for money or he plays in AE because it appeals to him in a contributing aspect , as far as songwriting ? Now some posts I have read in this thread are logical and at the same time from the heart and expressing Thier own opinion while being open to others . But jeezus pleezus some of you act like this is actually going to ruin your life when it should not even affect your day !!! And by the way what is so terribly wrong with this new girls voice ??? I'm not an arch enemy "fan" yet certainly own and have listened to some of Thier earlier stuff up to around wages of sin and have also seen them live a couple times ( pretty impressive and very tight actually ) They are what they are people.... A group of like minded musicians who need to pay bills and eat , etc. .... So what if they appeal to a greater number of people , big deal ! They do what they are driven to do and are basically accomplished at it . Christ does music made by others have to be geared toward one single mindset or taste ? I think not ... If so just write and record your own personal soundtrack and maybe then you'll be satisfied ! Just an observation from an adult metalhead / musician who was around and involved in the scene that gave birth to all these genres and sub genres we are blessed with. Today ...... Except maybe this Asian baby girl metal thing I see ... I just am at a loss with that completely .... Well most pop I am at a loss with . Open your minds at least a little bit

Stop equating tolerance of shitty music with an open mind. AE's new singer is there quite literally because of her tits, that's it. Her voice is inferior to Angela's and there are a million other better male death metal singers out there, yet they chose her despite her lack of ability. Why?

Death metal tits. Guys like you will jerk off to her after you buy their shitty album (have you even heard this abortion?) and slobber all over her feet as she does the prop-one-foot-up-on-the-monitor-and-scream-into-the-microphone stance, after which she'll turn her back to you and make faces at the drummer and bang her head, and then she'll return to the foot-propping and posing. She's every single female extreme metal singer in the world, only of a lesser caliber.

And you think she's just golly gee whillickers swell. Sadly, she's not even the worst thing on the album; that would be the riffs.
I was very disappointed when they hired her after Angela left. It was the perfect opportunity for redemption after a couple shitty albums. They could have hired a male (not a sexist remark, it's just a fact that men have deeper and better voices for growling and lows) and with Jeff it would have been a fresh start. Instead, we got a verification that the band is sort of a gimmick. Bands should hire the best person for the job, and in this case the job was a death metal vocalist - not a theatrical prop appealing to the sexual desires of adolescent men. A band with Mike, Jeff, Sharlee and Daniel with a killer vocalist would be potentially earth shattering.

On another note, Mike sure is a good businessman!
She can sing, very well. It's a shame she took the garbage disposal with laryngitis route. Anyhoo, enough time wasted on a middle of the road of mediocrity band.

Chile's On The Rock conducted an interview with ARCH ENEMY guitarists Michael Amott and Jeff Loomis before the band's February 3 concert in Santiago. You can now watch the chat below.

Speaking about ARCH ENEMY's musical chemistry, Amott said: "I would describe it as good. I think there is chemistry. Sometimes bands don't have any chemistry anymore, or they never had it, but they just do it anyway."

He continued: "Yeah, for me, music and songwriting is a one-hundred-percent emotional experience. It's not really a calculated or… I don't really know a lot of [music] theory or anything like that; I just kind of go straight in with my heart and soul and just try to create cool music that sounds cool to my ears. I think it's what we all do, and we just kind of put it together.

"A lot of the initial ideas come from myself, but we kind of shape it all together. It's not really a song until everybody's played on it and put their touch on it; that's when it's an ARCH ENEMY song. I think now, with [new singer] Alissa [White-Gluz], she did a killer job. I co-wrote with her on the [latest ARCH ENEMY] album ['War Eternal'] lyrics. There's a good vibe right now, and I think we're getting really strong feedback from the audience as well about our live performances now. I think everything's kind of gelling. And I'm really looking forward to the next album at some point and working with Jeff as well, which is something that I'm really looking forward to. So the possibilities are kind of, like, pretty crazy."
Even the sentence before that is ridiculously redundant.

"And I'm really looking forward to the next album at some point and working with Jeff as well, which is something that I'm really looking forward to."

Hurts my brain to hear people say shit like that when they are trying to appear thoughtful or intelligent.
Are you forgetting English is not his native language? And the interview was done in Chile. So there might be some translation issues.
Yeah after 16 years of running the show in Nevermore I can't see Jeff being an occasional contributor.