"ARCH ENEMY welcomes Jeff Loomis as their new guitarist"

Listen to Passenger...it sounds like a completely different band than TGE. Listen to the simple riffs dripping with atmosphere and the solos which sound like a completely different guitarist wrote them. Now listen to the Psalm of Lydia and how his chops have seriously improved but the song is completely meh unless you just love solos everywhere.

Actually, Psalm of Lydia does share some similarities with POE. The opening riff is just classic thrash, the big chorus has the feelings of the ones in T7ToG, This Sacrament or Lost, and the complicated riff that glues the whole song resembles the bridge of TPoE with its nasty seconds. I wouldn't have taken this song as example.
It looks like Jeff has switched to 6 strings.


And first video. Sounds like shit though.

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To me it sounds like the foo fighters but more punk edge...

That chick singer is super hottie!!
For the people saying that AE is part of this "mallcore" ish direction or part of some metalcore inspired direction... they still picked Jeff Loomis to replace Chris/Nick which is a guy I'm sure only half or less of their newer fans know. They didn't pick a flashy lead player from In this Moment or August Burns Red or Job for a Cowboy (if those guys can play as good as Chris amott) they picked a traditional metal alumni who doesn't have plugs in his ears and isn't a pretty male model face to accompany the pretty girl singing for them. I don't think it was because it was an "easy fix" either. "Oh we know Jeff...yeah...he'll the rest of our world tour. He'll learn em in a second."
Nc man - who cares if your ears are bleeding we. You have hottie eye candy!! But yeah she needs
A stylist and get into some PVC gear from uk!!
Man, who cares what Jeff does. If he thinks it's a good move to join Arch Enemy, then that's good for him. Quite a few people here are acting as if he has to please you by choosing what band he plays in (hint: he doesn't). Having an opinion on this is all fine and dandy, but going purple and kicking your feet over what band a former guitarist wants to play in only shows that you lack all sense of perspective.

Also, some of you should really knock the whole "Jeff is evil and ruined Nevermore"-shtick on the head. None of us were in Nevermore, none of us know what happened. WD knows, but he's the only one. The rest of us should shut the fuck up about things we don't know jack about. Some of you sound like those wank stains who judge celebrity couples' love lives from what they read in the tabloids.

Actually, I have quite a bit of info about what happened from people very close to the band. You think I'd hate Jeff for no valid reason?

Maybe it's you who needs to shut the fuck up.
Actually, I have quite a bit of info about what happened from people very close to the band. You think I'd hate Jeff for no valid reason?

Maybe it's you who needs to shut the fuck up.

Hating someone you probably haven't or maybe briefly met, and then spreading it to others is awfully juvenile.

No one looks back on life and says "Hey, I wish I would have hated more people."

The hate you have for others isn't doing anything but consuming you and harming yourself. You ought to reevaluate what you want out of life, if you want anything good out of life.
Actually, I have quite a bit of info about what happened from people very close to the band. You think I'd hate Jeff for no valid reason?

Maybe it's you who needs to shut the fuck up.

Maybe you need to put your cards on the table and back up your claims of inside knowledge. Jeff is on record as to why he left. I don't like how he handled it, but clearly there were problems.
Seriously, anybody can say something like "I have insider info!" but it means fuck all and nobody cares or even believes you until you can prove it.

Making claims like you have makes you look really stupid and lame.