Arcturus rock!


I just pretend to know
Dec 11, 2002
Lost in America
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No real point to this post except that I bought the 2 cd re-release of Aspera Hiems Symfonia and it totally fucking rocks! This is just what I was looking for in the way of music right now.
Hehe, I'm gonna order that from The End also. Awesome CD. I'd suggest getting The Sham MIrrors also. Great CD IMO. The other Arcturus CD(La Masquerade Infernale or whatever)I haven't listened to. I can't gett past the first tracks vocals. :ill: Everyone seems to love it though, I'm probably gonna keep trying
La masquerade kicks ass,The Sham Mirrors kicks ass,Aspera kicks ass
the only one that sucks is disguised masters
La Masquerade is a very close second for me, the first would be Sham Mirrors. Aspera is my least fave, but still good. It has more of a black metal sound, but I just don't like the songs as well and the production is slightly weaker. Not saying that I don't LIKE the cd though, because I do!