Are 4x12 cabinets better than 2x12s?

AD Chaos

Aug 3, 2009
I'm actually asking a bunch of questions since I'm shopping around for an actual amp (been using impulses and the like for 2 years now), and, oddly enough, I don't see any threads about things like these around here.

So my question: let's say I grab a nice amp; now, for home recording what would be better, 4x12s or 2x12s?
I have no idea which would sound best (that being the primary concern), although I imagine having less power must be beneficial for home recording?

4x12s are of course more expensive, but I ignore if the bigger size and amount of speakers are an advantage for live use only, or is there an actual difference (improvement) in sound?

Can you please spread some light over this :)
Many thanks
Couldn't find any, after some searches

I'm sure it's mentioned here and there, but could not find a thread about it.
thank you Ola! what about an ENGL? 2x12 also?

man thanks

To clarify my earlier post if you're going to have the cab at home and occasionally play live or rehearse with it it's a lot easier to carry around a 2x12. I don't see any huge difference in sound mic'ing a 2x12 vs a 4x12.

Haven't tried the ENGL 2x12 but I own the Mesa Roadster 2x12. It's tight like hell.
That's kind of weird I guess since you have the Savage, no?
I'm guessing that has to do with how good everyone speaks of Mesas here perhaps

I'm shopping for an ENGL head, you think Savage is better than Invader or SE 6L6/EL34 (sound-wise)?
That's kind of weird I guess since you have the Savage, no?
I'm guessing that has to do with how good everyone speaks of Mesas here perhaps

I'm shopping for an ENGL head, you think Savage is better than Invader or SE 6L6/EL34 (sound-wise)?

I don't own the savage anymore though.

I would go for the Savage but both Invader and the SE are awesome amps. You'll probably be happy with either one of them.
Thank you soo much Ola

I was thinking about getting a 4x12 but if you say there's no sound compromise, I'll definitely be going 2x12!
I've heard some people swear that 4x12's are just 'better.' Haven't done much experimenting myself, I get good sounds out of my Mesa 2x12 so no need to switch. Better in a small room I think.
I think that perception could be because if you don't tilt the cab to face your ears the highs can be missed and you end up with a woofy sound? I have carpet -not wooden floor- so I guess that doesn't help either.

Somewhere I read guitarrists don't have ears on the knees so you should tilt back the amp (I do it with my mid-sized combo, and sounds so much better)
4x12" sounds better when recorded. Don't listen to Ola, he's an evil magician and he can make a Fender combo sound like a metal beast ;)
Thank you soo much Ola

I was thinking about getting a 4x12 but if you say there's no sound compromise, I'll definitely be going 2x12!

There will probably be a couple of people telling you otherwise here.

Since you're micing about 3-6 inches from the grill you shouldn't loose sleep over whether it's a 4X12 or 2X12. Turn the nobs till it sounds good.
You would think that there would probably be a slight difference in tone because of the resonance from the wood in the cab between the 4X12 and 2X12. If you have the funds going with a 4X12 cant really do any wrong (assuming you buy a decent brand), I would think that the 2X12 would still be loud anyways, so you might as well go with the 4X12.
i haven't done any in-depth side-to-side comparisons, but i can tell you that i've pretty unhappy with the mic'ed tones i've gotten from my avatar 2x12, even with V30's in it

now i recorded a band a little while back who had the same make/model of cab, but in the 4x12 version, and the tone i got from running their peavey XXX into it sounded pretty damned good

so...this isn't to say that yes, 4x12's sound better than 2x12's, but in my instance it appears to be the case
If you just use it ONLY for recording I'd go for a 4x12
If you need to transport it a lot (gigs and rehearsals) go 2x12