Are 4x12 cabinets better than 2x12s?

Well I used to wonder, so I mic'ed a couple 2x12s, and then went back to 4x12s.

Always had more 'open' guitar signals with less junk in the mids and midbass with 4x12s. Just more mass to resonate, lower fundamental frequency, and I guess the added space helps the speakers sound a bit less nasally.

Not saying 2x12s aren't capable of cool tones, but if you get a 4x12 equivalent of the same cab, you're generally gonna be looking at a lower 'thump' (less clash in the mix), and less congested midrange that might require less EQ if you're crafty with your mic placement. Mind you, my last move was from the Harley Benton Vintage 2x12 to a Mesa Oversize 4x12, so the difference was immense to say the least. I wished 2x12s would be adequate, so that I'd get more flexibility recording here, but in my experiences the 4x12s consistently sounded better for high gain.
but you can't say you ain't got magic hands ;)
Your tone rocks with every setup: 2x12, 4x12 even that valveking 1x12 you had before. Your tone it's always similar due to your "magics"-> hands.


Ola I think what kaomao wants to convey is that you're very talented.
No pun intended there! :)

Well I've been looking around and this 2 vs 4 thing is actually indeed very much discussed on a lot of other forums - I managed to even find a thread here. From what I gather, the 2x12 is indeed more 'tight' and well defined (clearer), whereas 4x12s seem to have more 'hmmpff' or depth and bottom end. All that sounds pretty logical to me.

Oddly enough, it's always the same story: some guy who has a combo and is looking to get a first cab :lol:
One thing that draws my attention towards a 4x12 is the price tag; not double as much as a 2x12 (as one would assume), actually much less.. I teach guitar to some kids that I know will get much more impressed by a 4x12. But as I said in the beginning I'm really only interested in the sonic result.
My orange 212 beats my vintage marshall 412 easily. It's not even close. The 212 sounds thicker and has more depth in the mix.

that may be so, but it's also somewhat unreliable to compare two totally different makes of cab

would be nice if someone had both a 2x12 and 4x12 of mesa/engl/orange/marshall/etc. to mic them side by side, but that's probably asking a bit much!
I agree with Ermz, and I would add that having a 4x12" doesn't guarantee you anything unless it's at least an Engl/Orange or a few other models and ideally it should be a Mesa.

I have a Framus Dragon 412 and no matter what I try, there's always a nasty boxiness to it even though my room has decent treatment. And since I mentioned treatment, I'll say that it makes a big difference, especially in really bad rooms where it's crucial, even though we've all heard a certain 1x12" recorded in a wardrobe that sounded beastly.
I agree with Ermz, and I would add that having a 4x12" doesn't guarantee you anything unless it's at least an Engl/Orange or a few other models and ideally it should be a Mesa.

Ideally a Mesa..
Are Mesa cabs better than an ENGL for high gain? really?
Thank you Ermin :)

As I'll be getting me an ENGL amp, I guess a Mesa cab would be a great addition later down the road then - first on the shopping list, is an ENGL Pro :lol:
Yeah, most people the oversized Mesa is the way to go but the Engls are cool, too. Personally, I like both the Standard and Traditional Mesa more than the Engls.

Disclaimer: I don't own either, my opinion is based on a lot of recordings I've heard of both.
Hey guys, new to the forum here. I have an engl savage that i run through an oversized mesa 412 and it sounds great live, but for recording I generally like my genz benz 212. The sound is tight and I get plenty of balls in the low end with just a little bit of careful mic placement. 212's are also a whole lot easier to move around. Your back may thank you in the long run IF you plan on moving your rig around a lot. Like I said, just my 2 cents.....