are carcass reforming???


riffer madness
Feb 17, 2002
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seen a review in a mag of carcass live recently,anyone got any info bout it.

def one of the best death metal bands of there time,signing with columbia records was a huge mistake but they sure made some cool records,earlier stuff was cool but heartwork is my fave.

one of the best because as heavy as they were they had plenty of melody unlike most death bands that just scream and play the same riff all the way through a song.

swansong was cool but i would love to hear another record without the interference of some major record company

whats everyones fave death metal band???
were they ever on columbia?????! i never knew about that...
morbid angel and carcass are the only 2 death metal bands i really like.
sorry no info on carcass re-forming. would be good if it were true...
well for heartwork earache couldnt handle the demand for the record and signed a lisencing deal with them.

but they had alot more involvement on swansong.