Carcass - Swansong

I just recently bought the Heartwork EP, and the B-sides ("This is Your Life", "Rot 'n' Roll") sound more like Swansong material than anything, am i rite?
That material is the step between Heartwork and Swansong, definitely. Take away pretty much any remnants of death metal from those (except the vocals), and that's Swansong.

Even if Swansong is a disappointment to long time fans, what did you expect? Carcass never did the same thing twice, and the rot n' roll they did after Heartwork was the next evolutionary step for them.
I think the band was dying around that time anyway
I saw them live around the time of heartwork and was very disapointed

I don't listen to that album too often either

but necrotism is THE greatest death metal album ever, period

even in the very early days of reek. etc there was more to carcass than death metal anyway, through the muddy mess of that production there are songwriting skills that go beyond all this 'by numbers' death metal shit we have to wade through these days
unhinged said:
but necrotism is THE greatest death metal album ever, period

I have to agree. It is certainly Top 3, if not #1.

Amott and Steer were at the height of their powers, and Owen's drumming makes Brann Dailor look amateurish, and the vocal play between Walker's rasp and Steer guttural growl was perfect.