I used to love Sep, but it all ended with Roots (sorry

). I hate that album, no reason in particular, I just don't like the riffs in the songs, and there is that nu-metal element (it's not a strong one, but it is there) that I don't like. The whole tribal idea is a cool one though (even if I do think they didn't handle it quite right, but I like that last track, y'know, the percusion one, at night- that's great for when you feel wasted at night).
I thought the first Soulfly cd sucked aswell (I'm sure your screaming at me right now

). I just love old Sep too much, and the music now seems alot simpler (that's the nu-metal influence again). Plus, too much pointless swearing. I don't mind if Max is having a go at the Brazilian police, and has to swear to get his point across- that stuff's real, and it's from the heart. I have a problem with someone who writes a song, where basically every line is 'motherfucker you don't know my pain'. To me, that just seems like they are trying to be trendy, to sell records to kids who think it's daring (I call it the Guns'nRoses syndrome

, they became a joke at the end). Not that I have a problem with swearing, it's a major part of my vocabulary

, I just don't like it in my music.
Arise, now THAT'S a killer cd