Are Mic Preamps a necessity?


Blast Death Dick
Nov 30, 2005
st. louis
im trying to get my new studio up and running, but i was wondering, will adding mic preamps make a huge diffrence?
lmfao.........think i'd have to agree with JM here dude
Just do know what pre's do, dont you?
I hope you mean external, quallity pre's, and that you already have a desk or something with which you can get level to tape.

I opened up my own shop called "Metal Up Your Ass Oil Change Quickie Mart" as an entrepreneur.

My game plan was to offer metal cd's to patrons, oil changes, and chips and soda and such.

I did not stock any CD's, I had no motor oil available, nor did I offer any chips, soda, or beef jerky. Instead, I just had a cardboard cut of a guy in lederhosen that would greet people as they walked into my empty store.

My business failed immediately and I never understood why.

Bottom line. This is the craziest question I have ever seen.
I think this question is being taken out of context. I gather that what he means is "are nice expensive preamps a necessity in addition to the built-in mic preamps that I've already got on my digital audio interface?"

To this question I'd answer "no" depending on what your goals are. I've had very good luck with the stock pres on my MOTU 828 Mk II for recording guitar amps with an SM57. However, for recording vocals, I've always gone through some sort of nice preamp - I think this is where it matters most (well, for drums as well, or any other acoustic instrument.) Currently, I'm using a DBX 386 pre into a URei LA-4 compressor/limiter with my Audio Technica 4060 condenser mic for vocals and acoustic guitars. Being that I don't record drums, I've avoided the issue of getting more channels of nice pres into my rig (as well as more mics), but this will happen down the road I'm sure.
Dreathus, sorry i missed your IM last night. Anyway since you said in it that you use mics then you definitely use mic pres.. just not the outboard kind. my guess is that you are using the pres built into a small mixer of perhaps ones that are onboard your audio interface. hit me up later today if you want.
The point is that we need to know if you have mic pres to start with. If you don't have any then you will definatelly need at least one to record a microphone. If your sound interface already has some, then it depends on what interface it is and what your immediate goals are. In any case, you need mic pres.
yeah i have a small mixer and ive always just used that and for the most part it has sounded pretty damn good going into my computer using Cubase. It doesnt have the punch in alot of stuff i record though (death metal, mostly). It just dawned on me last night that maybe i need to get some mic preamps. Right now im looking at the ART small Tube MP's becuase of the price but i'de like to hear what you guys use....
i dont use any outboard pre amps myself, but one thing i read by a producer beau burchill is bascially start with hundreds of pounds worth of equipment get the best out of it you can, make it sound like thousands of pounds of equipment, really maximise the use then move up. i think some people probably get carried away and think if you got the best equipment its suddenly gonna sound great. hope this is of some help, i wouldnt be surprised if everyone else disagrees with me haha!
James i will try to IM you tonight.

Cool Frankie, Ive got some pretty cool and expensive gear, just no mic preamps and i dont do any direct recording unless its like a keyboard or soemtimes bass guitar.

yes, the death metal scene in st. louis sucks ass, but i know my shit.
......sorry dude. im glad to hear you know you're stuff..just coulda really worded that question ALOT better
So putting that behind us.....welcome to UM and the Sneap forum. I'm sure we all hope to see you round more.

Dreathus said:
yeah i have a small mixer and ive always just used that and for the most part it has sounded pretty damn good going into my computer using Cubase. It doesnt have the punch in alot of stuff i record though (death metal, mostly). It just dawned on me last night that maybe i need to get some mic preamps. Right now im looking at the ART small Tube MP's becuase of the price but i'de like to hear what you guys use....
the mic pres in your mixer are bound to be just as good if not better than those ART things.
from what ive heard its not realy worth buying cheap pres cos theyre supposed to be about as good as what youd just get in a pretty good standard console. probably best to save the extra cash and get something you definatly know is worth getting. thats what im planning anyway.