Should I invest in a mic preamp?


May 24, 2004
I'm currently using the preamps on my Mackie 1202 VLZ pro and I'm starting to wonder if adding a fairly decent mic preamp in the chain will improve my guitar recordings. I don't have alot to spend or else I'd go for one of those Spider Preamps :loco:

Can anyone recommend any of the lower priced preamps?
Most cheap preamps would probably be a side step (maybe even a step down in some cases) from your Mackie pres. How many channels do you want and how much do you have to spend?

IMHO, you'll probably have to spend upwards of $500 on a good preamp to see a difference that's worth the money you'd be investing.

Alternatively, what's your A/D converter? You might be able to upgrade there and see more of an appreciable difference. My housemate has a $180 ART DI/O (2 channels, variable tube/solid state gain) and he says it's a big step up from his Delta 410. Plus you can't help but sing Rainbow in the Dark every time you see it. That's good, right?

black sugar said:
Plus you can't help but sing Rainbow in the Dark every time you see it. That's good, right?


Good one! I've thought about the Art stuff. I am currently using an Audiophile 24/96. I guess you're right about the preamps. The only ones I have ever used are the Mackie so I wasn't sure how they compared although I have heard that they are some of the best for the money.
I use an Audiophile 24/96 at home and I think it's a great card, esp. for the price.

I'm not sure how much "better" per se the converters on the DI/O are than the M-audio cards like the 24/96 or 410, but being external to the noise/interference inside the computer probably helps a bit. Also, the DI/O has had a bit of a cult following over the last few years (understatement). Check out some of this stuff. People get pretty crazy (understatement) about modding them:

But if you don't feel like going through any of that insanity, it sounds like you might be better off spending the money (if you have some to spend) on a new mic or something instead.

I just got one of those RNC compressors yesterday, and I have to say for $200 it's a rockin little box! I wouldn't have any probs using this out and about.
Small world! I just got an RNC (and I've been waiting over a month for my RNP to arrive). I needed two "nice" channels for not a whole lot of money, and ended up going the FMR Audio route. Nice sound, ugly box!

Andy, what have you used your RNC on so far? The caveat to answering that is that I'm gonna hit you up for some ballpark settings if you do...

Oh, and these guys make some nifty rackmounts for the FMR gear, if you're interested:

Ah cool, I only got it yesterday so I've just been messing around with it. Didn't find the super nice setting much use but holy cow you can smack the shit out of a mix with it. Don't know whether I'd use it on a mix, though Micheal Wagener did a shoot out with a bunch of Buss comps and thought it stood up really well.
Hopkins-WitchfinderGeneral said:
Me too, since last week. Quite pleased with it too, except compared to my old card it has a lot more clarity... so now some mixes that were acceptable sound like shit... :dopey:

Same thing happened to me when I finally got some decent monitors. Everything sounds like shit! I want my inaccurate frequency response and coloration back!

I try and tell myself that it's a sure sign of a good upgrade.

Kenny, IMO the RNC is the best paperweight in it's price range. I'll post .jpg's of it on top of a triple rec brochure and a 5150 brochure using the same settings if anyone's interested.
black sugar said:
Kenny, IMO the RNC is the best paperweight in it's price range. I'll post .jpg's of it on top of a triple rec brochure and a 5150 brochure using the same settings if anyone's interested.
now i'm confused, you don't like it?
James Murphy said:
now i'm confused, you don't like it?

No, no. It's good. I was referring to the link that Kenny posted for suggested uses for the RNC from the FMR Audio site and trying to make a funny about the "sound clips" thread:

The RNC is also great for holding down papers on your desk. It's 1/3 rackspace size means it fits next to your blotter without wasting space.
1. Set the controls to positions you find aesthetically pleasing.
2. Disconnect the RNC and remove it from your rack.
3. Place the RNC on top of your loose papers.

another really good, for the money, mic pre is the Rane MS-1b... only $150 and like the RNP it has done quite well in shootouts with the big boys.. Roger Nichols is a big advocate of the MS-1b as well. i have 2 and they've been useful for overheads, guitars, and Vox thus far.... i just wish it had a pad.. recording Roy Miorga's (ex-Soulfly, current Abloom drummer) snare with one 2 weeks ago turned out to be problematic.. that boy hits HARD.

it's just a little shy on low end so it's best used on sources you want to filter some lows out of anyway... and i emphasize, just a little. Review
Whoa, that looks like a great buy. There you go, neverpurify! Yet more proof that this forum rules.

With a +10db max input, it does kinda suck that they didn't put a pad on it. But you probably wouldn't need it for anything besides a close mic'd snare being played incredibly hard...

The RNP doesn't have a pad either, but it has a freakin' +27.5db max input. Insane. For comparison, the Mackie 1202 VLZ Pro has +22db max.

So what did you end up doing with the snare? Turn it up really loud in his headphones?

edit: Did you try fuzzing out vocals as mentioned in the Mojopie review by any chance?
black sugar said:
So what did you end up doing with the snare? Turn it up really loud in his headphones?
to be honest, i just let it clip... there were actually no audible artifacts and Roy was planning on mixing the demo himself and using SR and his own drum samples.... Dino and Roy were ready to get it laid down as well, so i didn't have any time to scare up an in-line pad or anything... GC being the only option and over a half-hour away. so, i just rolled with it... it was just a quick demo for the project i'm working on with Dino Cazares and Roy Miorga for Roadrunner Records' 25th anniversary. sometimes clipping a little is ok if you can't hear it... especially when the artist is ready THAT SECOND to get playing.
black sugar said:
Did you try fuzzing out vocals as mentioned in the Mojopie review by any chance?
Thanks for all of the info guys. Maybe spending more money isn't what I need to focus on right now. My main problem is getting my guitar tracks to sound right to me. I listen to that Krank clip and even though it's an unprocessed clip, it put my guitar tracks to shame.

Oh well, just takes time I guess. :cry: