Some Mic/Preamp Recommendations?


Nov 2, 2009
Philly USA
¯\(°_o)/¯ How do chose mics?

Hey guys, getting ready to drop a chunk of dough on some decent recording mics and interfaces. Have it narrowed down but some things I 'm having trouble deciding which way to go so any opinions are welcomed. Totally open to other suggestions as well.

For interface was thinking of getting a Profire 2626 but also need at least 2 more additional preamps to give me a total of 10 for micing drums. For the 2 additionals (unless I'm mistaken) I need something with a digital out so I'll be able to use it with the Profire in Protools. I'd like 2 decent tube preamps so I could use them for the overheads and guitar/vocals too. Was thinking of an Art DPS II unless anyone has a better recommendation. Willing to spring a little more if it would give me significant improvement in sound.

For overhead mics I'm thinking either a pair of SM81's or Oktava MC-12's.

Toms and snare I'll be mic'ing with 57's since I'll be doing alot of replacement anyways. Kick I'll be using a Beta52.

Any recomendations for high hat and ride though? Especially the high hat, don't want to cheap out there.

As far as a vocal mic was thinking of an SM7. It'll be getting used for alot of screaming vocals but want something that is good all around and decent for cleans as well.

I'm also wondering if anyone could recommend a decent vocal mic in the $150 range. This is for a friend of mine who wants to be able to do some decent rough vocals.

Any help would be much appreciated. Thanks!
Sm7's are great on vocals from cleans to screams. Also nice on hi hats. Some people like them used along with a 57 on cab's but to be honest I tend to use just one mic to minimize phase issues.

Andy uses a AKG C414 on the ride, which would also work as a great mic for just about anything you point it at really, very good multi purpose mic.

Maybe consider replacing a couple of your 57's with I5's, they've got a little bit of a scooped thing going on which is awesome for toms and snares in my opinion. 57 is still very hard to beat on cab's though.

Most on here will reccomend a D6 over the B52 for the kick mic, though personally I'm wanting to pick up a E902 as it has a nice click but isn't unusable for anything other than metal, as I feel the D6 seems to be.

I would probably avoid the DPS II as it's quite a low budget pre, I'm pretty sure the tube in it does next to nothing to the signal.
The ART MPA II Digital would be a much better purchase imo and it's meant to sound much better if you upgrade the stock tubes. Though don't restrict yourself to tube preamps exclusively, the single most popular pre here is probably an API 512c, which has no tubes in it. Though for more sensible money the Audient MICO is super clean and super quiet, and I reckon the variphase feature would be great when dual mic'ing guitar cabs.
Kel Audio HM-2D is a great vocal mic. The SM7 is also, as mentioned.

I would go for a Profire and then get an M-Audio Octane (great pre, I have two). Then you will have 16 channels of Octane pres.