Need Suggestions: High Quality Single Channel Mic Preamp


Nov 11, 2008

I did some Recordings this weekend mainly with the Royer R-121 Mic, which has appearently a great sound, but low leve signal, i think i need a decent single channel mic preamp that will not cost an arm or leg.

Currently i use the Mackie Onyx 1620 for everything (Mic Pre, A/D Conversion)
I´m quite happy with it for most, but this weekend ive been recording an acoustic guitar with my royer r-121 as main mic (the tone is very natural and nice) but i had to turn the preamp of the onyx all the way up to get at least a signal.
(its fingerpicking, not strumming, so its not loud.
On a guitar cab or a strummed guitar, i have enough signal and i dont need to turn the gain all the way up on the preamp, and the preamp all the way up makes it a bit sounding harsh and the noise/hissing is very audible after applying compressors / EQ, etc. on the guitar tracks.

After some research, i figured out that perhaps an api lunchbox + a single 512 Preamp Module would give me an excellent quality, for a single channel preamp totally like 1400 Euro,
And i could always expand if i wanted too

My Question is, do you know alternatives for preamps, that matches or exceed the quality of the API 512 Preamp, but is in the same pricerange (1000-1700 Euro.)

Thanks for reading and I appreciate your suggestions

PS: another question about noise and hiss,
will the noise / hiss be the same when i do

+60 Db on the Mackie Onyx

or +40db on for example (API Preamp) and + 20db on the Mackie Preamp to achieve 60db of gain

i hope not, but i want to know before i get a preamp and then the noise/hiss issue is still unsolved
cool, thanks for the suggestion
the ME-1NV looks very good, or also the possibilty to go with the lunchbox and a MP-500NV

do you have a great river pre in use?
as i can see in your equipment list, probably not, but this is very nice:
API 3124+ (4 Channel Preamp)
Chandler TG2 EMI (2 Channel Preamp)
Focusrite ISA 428 (4 Channel Preamp)
Universal Audio Solo 610 (1 Channel Preamp)
Universal Audio 1176 LN Compressor
TL Audio 5060 Valve Compressor
Funk Logic Palindrometer

Other possibility in 500 serie would be Avendis audio with MA5 pre. Others color, neve like.
Most common pre couple are API 512C and Avendis MA5.
But lot of possibility, like La Chapel audio, Brent averil, Chandler...etc.
Search in gearslutz about 500 serie shoutout;)

Others possibility would be a channeltrip like Mindprint DTC, Millenia, Pendulum audio...etc.

Good luck with your choice;)
wow awesome

@analgrinder, thanks for the suggestions and the link to the shootout ->:rock::rock:

@soultrash, thanks for confirming about the great river
I would avoid a one channel. You might as well shoot for two. When there's a stereo source that comes around that you want to mic up, you'll thank me :goggly:
Just my 2cents but if you go with great river; try avendis MA5 at same time...
Why I say this? Really simple:
Great river ME1NV is a 1272 like, same for MA5. Just 2 differents visions of same preamp... But don't be affraid, both are classic pre and you can abuse of this with drum, guitar, bass and vocal:rock:

Other possibility on budget would be Focusrite ISA one (for an awesome but neutral pre) or UA solo (610 without comp/limiter).
I would avoid a one channel. You might as well shoot for two. When there's a stereo source that comes around that you want to mic up, you'll thank me :goggly:

you are absolutly right with that suggestion, thats also why i love the idea with the lunchbox, then i can expand when necessary to more channels.

Just my 2cents but if you go with great river; try avendis MA5 at same time...
Why I say this? Really simple:
Great river ME1NV is a 1272 like, same for MA5. Just 2 differents visions of same preamp... But don't be affraid, both are classic pre and you can abuse of this with drum, guitar, bass and vocal:rock:

Other possibility on budget would be Focusrite ISA one (for an awesome but neutral pre) or UA solo (610 without comp/limiter).

thanks for all these informations, i really appreciate them, i have listened to some of the 500er shootout files on gearslutz yesterday, very interesting.

cool, thanks for the suggestion
the ME-1NV looks very good, or also the possibilty to go with the lunchbox and a MP-500NV

do you have a great river pre in use?
as i can see in your equipment list, probably not, but this is very nice:
API 3124+ (4 Channel Preamp)
Chandler TG2 EMI (2 Channel Preamp)
Focusrite ISA 428 (4 Channel Preamp)
Universal Audio Solo 610 (1 Channel Preamp)
Universal Audio 1176 LN Compressor
TL Audio 5060 Valve Compressor
Funk Logic Palindrometer


Don't have one at the mo, have used them loads though. GREAT pres. like the bastard child of a Neve and an Api.

Can't say im massively fussed about the Isa series, its a little ......bland. sort of vanilla as pres go. Its not bad at all, love it on Overheads, but otherwise I Tend to use the Api or The Chandler depending on how the mood strikes me.