Though to sort of answer your question......use the search function and type "pupose built pre amps"....its a thread i started a while back and got some decent replies
I just got my RNP and RNC in the custom rack yesterday! Im really enjoying the flexibility of being able to bypas the RNC! its going to make recording vocals and dynamic (or shitty) vocals more pleasant Im sure... Good pre's make sounding good easier. wish cransong had a pre in my price range!!
Im looking at the Brick pre right now too...
$300 is really my limit for right now, im working lame ass minimum wage jobs right now, i have an Alesis Microlimiter which is really doing great for when i record drums, but i need something that will add that extra UMPFF to the vocals you know what i mean?
My best piece of advice would probablly be to just keep saving dude. $300 doesnt buy much reguarding pre's. Work that ass off and save about tripple that, then start talknig to people at music shops, since there's no point really looking if you can't get what you want for the price you THOUGHT it was.