Are Mikael and the swedish metal community at the stadium tonight for Metallica ?

Feb 16, 2006
Just wondering if Mikael cares or not, I mean in Sweden, they are huuuuuuge, they sold out the venue in 30 minutes or something.

And with the setlists of the current tour, it s like a metalhead wet dream.

Location: Stockholm, Sweden Date: Jul 12, 2007 Venue: Stadion
Other Artists

Creeping Death
For Whom The Bell Tolls
Ride The Lightning
Disposable Heroes
The Unforgiven
...And Justice For All
The Memory Remains
No Leaf Clover
Fade To Black
Master of Puppets
- - - -
Sad But True
Nothing Else Matters
Enter Sandman
- - - -
The Four Horsemen
Seek and Destroy
Just wondering if Mikael cares or not, I mean in Sweden, they are huuuuuuge, they sold out the venue in 30 minutes or something.

And with the setlists of the current tour, it s like a metalhead wet dream.

Location: Stockholm, Sweden Date: Jul 12, 2007 Venue: Stadion
Other Artists

Creeping Death
For Whom The Bell Tolls
Ride The Lightning
Disposable Heroes
The Unforgiven
...And Justice For All
The Memory Remains
No Leaf Clover
Fade To Black
Master of Puppets
- - - -
Sad But True
Nothing Else Matters
Enter Sandman
- - - -
The Four Horsemen
Seek and Destroy

I first saw Metallica way back in 1984 on the Ride the Lightning Tour. I was 14. I have not seen them since the Master of Puppets Tour, but I knew if they were playing that setlist, I just might go.
Just remember that when a band solds out the stadium, almost 1% of the country's population is at the gig so odds that swedish metal bandmembers to be at a Metallica gig are pretty high.

After all, this band is the roots of everybody in metal wheather you like it or not.

No To Live is to Die though ...
Yea Metallica popularised metal more than any other band weather you think thats a good thing or not.
Pretty sweeet setlist I must say, very suprised there is nothing off their last three studio albums though, very odd indeed, its almost like even they know how shitty they are now ha!
I was at the show in Oslo. I love St. Anger and Load, as well as the older albums.
Metallica is the reason I and half the people I know are into metal at all, so they definitely have a significant place in the metal history.
People give Metallica too much shit. It's been a staple trend since fucking Ride the Lightning, in every move the band made people found ways to make it an excuse to hate and bash them. Whether it was Fade to Black's softer nature, the video for One, the simpler structure of the black album or the more rockish-bluesy nature of the Loads, it's all very good stuff that people say is bad just because it's popular to do so. Of course there will always be people who actually don't like the music, but there's no denying the trendy nature of doing so. Yeah, they changed their direction and all, and released a shitty album. People should learn to embrace a change, I for one love the Loads. It's still Metallica but in a different form, and I'd rather have my favorite band change every once in a while and not rehash the same stuff over and over again (see: Slayer). It's only fair to let a band have another chance after releasing a bad album. It's not like Iron Maiden's X-Factor was a masterpiece, to say the very least, but their last three were pretty damn good.

Anyway, Mikael does state on his MySpace that he listens to Metallica. He also stated in a past interview that he likes it when a band takes a surprising turn. If I were him, I'd go. They're pretty fucking tight this tour, plus, I'd kill to see ...And Justice for All played live.