Are my levels to low?????


Jun 17, 2008
Whats up guys... well im not really here wanting to sound loud or anything to do with the loudness war... but sometimes i think that my final product sounds to weak compared to some of your guys stuff....

Im posting a clip so you guys can cretique it lol... its short like 20 seconds(just wanted a quick sample so u guys hear it)

and yeah just tell me if its to weak and lacking... please excuse my noobish mix lol but this is just a demo my band is working on.. all recorded in my garage and recorded by me, nothign really special lol:kickass:

Thanks dude... its just that at times my final mixes when i try to master them... there not that loud compared to some of ur guys stuff(not comparing to commercial cd's) more to DIY mastering lol
Well, if you want them louder, you can do so with a limiter, or Gclip or something.

What sort of RMS levels ar eyou getting? You can use RMS buddy to check. Try googling it.
Okay i got RMS buddy... and i put it on the master bus... and im getting about average RMS llike -10db

but i dotn get RMS buddy after i stop playing the song it keeps going crazy changing numbers.... Im not even sure if its consistent because i check the average after i replay the song and i get something different lol
If RMS buddy keeps processing even fi there's silence, it's just going to pull your average down. Just play the song during the middle or so and see what number you get. -10dbRMS is definitely loud enough, imo

What I do is de-activate the plugin at certain points (bypass it), that way I can actually see a number under RMS without it constantly changing.
yeah dude... okay got a question about final mixes(before they go to mastering)... what should the RMS levels be at???

I usually keep quiet mixes u think thats why my final master isnt that loud???

I just read that mixes should generally be lower but i dont know how low??

also... when i export my final mix(not mastered) should i export in 24 bit or 16 bit??