Are Outdoor Summer Fstivals Too Hot?

Blackwater Demon

Using Cold Words
Mar 30, 2008
Under The Weaping Moon
I think they are. My wife and I went to Ozzfest in 06 to see SOAD and SYL and my wife had a heat stroke and almost had to go to the hospital. Once before she had a heat stroke before we met at the 01 Ozzfest. I think that they should be when it is a bit coolerout for those who love the music but cant take the hot weather. What does everyone else think?
depends on where they are. They are not too hot in Sweden, they are perfect.
Yeah, I went to Ozzfest a few times and always sweated my ass off. By the end of the day I probably spent more money on $10 waters than I did on the tickets just trying to stay hydrated. The only summer festival I enjoyed was the Rockstar Mayhem fest last year. It was so much more organized than Ozzfest and the venue was perfect for it.
Well if it's too hot, don't complain and just don't go. People that have paralysed legs don't complain about stairs. Other then that, I don't think they are too hot; it's often worth it to have your skin burnt. You can also buy these small ventilator, haha.
I would rather it be hot than raining, or windy.

Plus a nice sunny day promotes a feel good atmosphere.
I think they are. My wife and I went to Ozzfest in 06 to see SOAD and SYL and my wife had a heat stroke and almost had to go to the hospital. Once before she had a heat stroke before we met at the 01 Ozzfest. I think that they should be when it is a bit coolerout for those who love the music but cant take the hot weather. What does everyone else think?

i never leave the shade during daytime. i watch/listen from there. of course it's too hot.
obviously depends where you are. somewhere itll get above 40 celsius its gonna get too hot during summer unless you get an unusually mild day. but i just suck it up and hydrate, its always fine.