Are the Crimson II lyrics in the booklet?


Feb 22, 2003
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If so, I would be very grateful to anyone who could type them up. I dont really feel like explaining my deprived situation, but I need the lyrics before I can purchase the album from the end.

I know this has been asked before, but on forums like these, once threads die, they stay in the grave.

Thanks ahead of time.
the lyrics are in the booklet but it would take all day to type all of them. maybe try or something

do you need the lyrics to show your parents or something before you can buy it? if so show them other Edge of Sanity lyrics or Swano lyrics.
The lyrics are as follows:
Buying the CD is awesome.
It's really really cool.
Getting the MP3s
then making a CDR copy
with fake inserts is lame
lame lame lame lame lame lame lame
kleo706 said:
The lyrics are as follows:
Buying the CD is awesome.
It's really really cool.
Getting the MP3s
then making a CDR copy
with fake inserts is lame
lame lame lame lame lame lame lame

Hey buddy, I farking said in my first post I needed the lyrics so I could buy the CD. My dad is a really anal old fart and likes to read the lyrics for albums before I purchase them.

:rolls eyes:
Maybe I should use that as an excuse for asking lyrics on all messageboards cause people are just so fucking uptight to post lyrics on boards hiding behind comments like "Buy the album you f00kin leecher." And I don't mean by any means that you're doing that.
I would love to have the Alive Again lyrics,but then again it seems that it makes my thirst for getting the album on cd even bigger. Anyway,usually I want to read the lyrics if I can't really make them out before I buy the cd cause they could be complete shite. Not in the case of Alive Again of course. :)

Hope you get those lyrics from someone anyway,I don't have the album...your dad sounds pretty uptight too though. Does he check your cd collection all the time to see if you've gotten new cd's without showing him the lyrics or something?

Useless post,oh well. Btw,did this kleo person post the lyrics and ColdDarkNerd delete them and add this beautiful poem?
The Grand Design said:
Tell your dad to fuck up and quit being such a tight ass. Does he think you're gonna read the lyrics of some band and then go out and shoot up a school or some shit? He needs to cut you some slack.

Its hard to debate with someone who bought me a car, pays for the food i eat, and bought the roof above my head. I have tried to debate with him many many many times that the music I listen to doesnt make me a devil-worshipper and I listen to music for the music itself, not the lyrics.I dont get very far.

p.s. Like someone suggested, I gave him the lyrics of Crimson I after a quick revision and after he read through it, I ordered the digipak at the end. :))))
TheFourthHorseman said:
Sad if you listen to the music only for the music and not the lyrics.
The majority of lyrics in metal are purely for placeholder/"cool" factor. The music is written first and lyrics to fill in the space. Not to mention alot of the lyrics in metal bands are laughable.
The Grand Design said:
Orestes, that's understandable but Edge Of Sanity is damn good music, you don't need your dad choosing what you like! You have better tastes than he does I'm sure.

Like most people, he abhors any sort of growling. Theres nothing I can do to convince him there is beautiful composition behind it or any other metal for the most part. Not to mention my dad is a bigtime bible-thumper so he thinks every metal singer sounds like satan himself, even though i always ask him "how do you know what satan sounds like?"*

Oh, and my dad doesnt choose what I like, I only show him the music I really really like so I can be able to play it without headphones in my room or turn it up loud without him coming in and asking who is playing.

*He actually has a beautiful voice, because according to the Bible, Lucifer was the leader of music in heaven before he got power-hungry and God kicked his ass out.
>> OrestesMantra

Hey, I think you're doing the right thing by working with your dad rather than against him. I don't believe that you'll gain anything by rebelling. The time will come when you can make all your decisions on your own, but at the moment it's better to do what you do. And I'm sure you can listen to other stuff at friends' or on the internet or in the record shops if you absolutely want to. Plus, 99% of the 'devil' stuff is rubbish anyway (says the girl with the Morbid Angel tattoo ; ). You seem like a clever boy!
OrestesMantra said:
*He actually has a beautiful voice, because according to the Bible, Lucifer was the leader of music in heaven before he got power-hungry and God kicked his ass out.
Hey thats cool to know!

BTW, my dad listens to my heavy metal CDs too. But thats cause he likes em and takes em without even asking sometimes!
Shit dude, it must be a real pain to have a dad like that.. I thought people like that only existed in movies. My friends dad is a reverend, and he just thinks it's interesting to see how satanic bands write their lyrics. He told us once that we can't just blindfold ourselves and pretend that satanism doesn't exist (sort of like "know your enemy"), 'cause then we don't know what too look out for. Not that I give a rats ass, since I don't care much for religion either way, but it was an interesting conversation.

Glad to hear you could order the CD though. Good luck in the future.