Are the defective DVD's going to be addressed or not?


Are You Morbid?
Well, several months of waiting around, more than enough time to roll out the replacements and a structure for issuing them, yet nothing.

So what happens? Fans in the US get a substandard product and the record companies wonder why people download so much. It's because of the apathy for the industry caused by their own greed.

We've been promised through a 3rd party (metal ages) that something would be done, while emails to IO went unanswered and they have not made anything official. Now several months later, we can't even get answers on the original posts.

Any word or not? Are all the DVD's being sold in the US stores still the defective ones? Is this an issue that IO has forgotten and swept under the rug to move onto other business?
I'm not starting trouble, but Metal Ages has been in contact with IO, so I feel we should be sending him PM's to see if there is any word.

As of yet, the insistance that something is always done was fruitless, and IO has shown they are NOT this fine and upstanding record company in the middle of crooks. I'm 100% positive that this "mistake" was a scheme to save money on the conversion and these guys know that eventually people will forget about it.
I'm in Southern CA and I just picked this up at my local Tower Records and it has the "should be 16:9, but encoded as 4:3" defect.
It is odd how Metal Ages won't chime in at all anymore. Best thing to do is keep the word out that the US editions are defective. Obviously if there are defective discs still going out, IO has NO plans to change that fact.

As I have previously said, the record companies wonder why people would prefer to download rather than buy. It's because a measly few dollars of penny-pinching is more important that repeat business.
Hey ass, I've relayed every message, posted when I have sent word to them, posted with what and when they have replied and with what they have said. Don't go calling me out like I'm hiding etc., I'm playing middle man, plain and simple. I've gone way beyond what most would have as well so...I don't know what to tell you other than there is supposed to be a batch of re-pressings for people to send in and exchange copies. So from here on leave me out of it and deal with the label.
hey metal ages,
That's all you have to say and this is something to be expected, especially when you even relayed a time frame which has passed.

And you should also recognize that discontentment on the part of fans and the buying public is there for a reason and eventually the last straw is going to be reached with those that actualy still buy instead of downloading. The record companies are pissing off those that they need so bad-the ones that are still reaching into their pockets and buying their stuff.
I've sent IO emails and they don't answer them. Why have an email address if they won't answer emails?

Additionally, one should recognize that perhaps they have no gotten back to us, and that doesn't look like anything good. Then say so! You can't blame the buying public for feeling like that, but certainly, if that's your attitude, so be it. I won't be shopping with you.
Guys, all Deron can do is bring it to their attention, but that's all. You need to be yelling at InsideOut directly, and they don't read the forums. If they don't respond to phone calls and emails, beating on Deron is not going to accomplish anything, because he can't do anything about it. Please lay off the guy.
I didn't beat up on Deron. It should be noted that a couple months ago, he made a certain post that could've been interpreted as beating up on me, simply because I asked about the status and spoke of the philosophy of the record companies, which appears to exist in this case.

Maybe Deron shouldn't have blindly defended the record company because it makes him look bad because he's not representing IO. IO should be representing themselves and maybe responding to emails.
MetalAges said:
Hey ass, I've relayed every message, posted when I have sent word to them, posted with what and when they have replied and with what they have said. Don't go calling me out like I'm hiding etc., I'm playing middle man, plain and simple. I've gone way beyond what most would have as well so...I don't know what to tell you other than there is supposed to be a batch of re-pressings for people to send in and exchange copies. So from here on leave me out of it and deal with the label.

Thanks. I was just looking for you to chime in with any news, good or bad. You seemed to be our only productive link to the guys at label, so we didn't know who else to bug about the issue.

Give us the name, phone #, address, etc. of the guy we should contact and you'll never hear from us again. ;)
Snowmaker said:
Thanks. I was just looking for you to chime in with any news, good or bad. You seemed to be our only productive link to the guys at label, so we didn't know who else to bug about the issue.

Give us the name, phone #, address, etc. of the guy we should contact and you'll never hear from us again. ;)
I second that. Contact info, then we can go direct and see if we can get results.
I returned my copy to the store the day after I bought it and ordered the Limited Edition from the day after. The day after that it disappeared from the site saying it was out of stock never to return, that was the week of its release.

Today, while browsing a record fair, I found the PAL version - in the Limited Edition! :D Now, all I have to be pissed about regarding the DVD is the fact that the 5.1 mix is only available in DTS. Why do people do that??!!