Are there any left-wing intelligent types on this website

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Feb 6, 2006
Perth, Australia
PLEASE!!!!!!! because i am finding it very difficult to sift thru the right-wing BULLSHIT some are posting and engage with any topics up for discussion...

if there are some folks with a modicum of sense i would love to know who you are
Intelligent left-wing people?
Well that's almost an oxymoron.
(Note: I am not particularly right wing.)

Sorry if this does not fit the rules of the philosopher forum to post something thoughtfull and philosophic, but the initial post was not better :)
i am not claiming any person is erroneous.. regardless of whether their ideas might be.. nor am i directing the post as an insult to you.. i am looking for people of a reasonably like mind to communicate with.

the thread asks whether there are any lw intelligent types.. clearly you are not of that description.. so why post? unless you are just trying to bait me.. was certainly not my intention to bait you...

in the meantime.. any lefties wanna discuss something interestin?

now playing: UNDER ROTTING SKY
mengeloid said:
PLEASE!!!!!!! because i am finding it very difficult to sift thru the right-wing BULLSHIT some are posting and engage with any topics up for discussion...

if there are some folks with a modicum of sense i would love to know who you are

I am more leftwing than right on most issues. I think Hubster, Susperia, Soundmaster, Kenneth R, Final Product, Scott W are all left wingers(sorry if I have outed you).

But if you notice, there are not many typical American right wingers on this board. I suppose we have alot of nationalists, nihilists, and old conservatives more than say republicans. Which is a good thing in my opinion.
When will people comprehend that one cannot fly with a single wing. please don't attempt to categorize me. i believe what i will, and adhere to no side or party or color or icon except my own true self.
I don't particuarly mind, I would say I tend to lean to the left generally, though.

But mengeloid, keep it civil. Or face the wrath of the right wing moderators!


edit: ok...bad joke.
Kenneth R. said:
When will people comprehend that one cannot fly with a single wing. please don't attempt to categorize me. i believe what i will, and adhere to no side or party or color or icon except my own true self.

Ok, ok. But you have to admit, you have left leaning views.
Mengeloid sounds like the sort of person who doesn't believe in open debate and wishes to sensor the views of those he disagrees with. I think it is boring always to talk to those whose views reflect your own. I love to talk both to those who I agree with AND to those who are very much the opposite. Meneloid worries me. I'm glad he's not a moderator.
Freanan said:
Intelligent left-wing people?
Well that's almost an oxymoron.
(Note: I am not particularly right wing.)

Sorry if this does not fit the rules of the philosopher forum to post something thoughtfull and philosophic, but the initial post was not better :)
if you assume that judeo-christianity is a cult, then your idea of left-wing people being stupid doesn't hold water
Norsemaiden said:
Mengeloid sounds like the sort of person who doesn't believe in open debate and wishes to sensor the views of those he disagrees with. I think it is boring always to talk to those whose views reflect your own. I love to talk both to those who I agree with AND to those who are very much the opposite. Meneloid worries me. I'm glad he's not a moderator.

I agree with that. Ive noticed perhaps in response to right wing bully types, left wingers are becoming just as extreme in their i am right, and thus if you disagree with me, you are wrong views.
Sorry left-leaning and left-wingers, this thread has become idiotic. Perhaps another relevant and civil left-wing thread can be started up later.
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