Are these pressings rare?


Doom On!
Apr 14, 2004
West Burbs of Chicago
I recently purchased some NW cd's off someone from the forums.

When the package arrived, I got a bit of a surprise.

Mine is the original cover art, on Spinefarm / Drakkar / BMG.
The only info I could find is that the Drakkar press is supposed to have a bonus track. This copy does not.

This is a KOREAN pressing, that has PASSION & THE OPERA as a bonus track.

Just curious if these were rare.
I mean, I am sure they are out of print.
As a music collector in general, I am curious if I struck some sort of gold here.
This guy from Swizerland ahs quite imressive collection of Nw CDs and stuff which are listed on his Night-collection web page. Have a look if your CDs are found in his listings. Also try googling with the label codes found on the cover and on the actual CD to find out which print you have got, it may help determine if they are of any rare print and thus have some extra value in colletors' eyes.

Prints of both CDs are available from many sources, the Korean version (sealed package) seems to be on sale at eBay for $8.99 + shipping.
Hehe, the beer bottle is the "Nightwish"- beer. In spring 2004 when Once CD was about to be released, the local merchants in Nw's home town Kitee ordered a batch of beer with special "Nightwish" label on bottles for sale to celebrate the CD launch party. It was sold in local markets and bars, and also in the bar and in the beergarden at the Once-tour opening concert on May 22. 2004 at Kitee Ice Hall. I was there among the 4000+ others and had a bottle of the said brew - quite ordinary lager it was, though.
In that summer the Nightwish-beer was sold here and there in shops and bars at least in southern Finland for about 6 months. It came from a small independent brewery which used to make custom labeled batches for anyone willing to pay a few extra cents per bottle.

Same time Nightwish's hometown printed 10 000 pcs of the Nightwish-Tourist-brochures which were added to all orders at Nightwish-shop as long as they lasted, and even the Finnish Post sold on that day in Kitee post office specially-stamped envelopes and cards to celebrate the CD launch party.

Ahh... great times... now Nw is almost too big to play in their small hometown any more.