I hate that supercow !
Wow, calm down, no need to heat the thread.
I'm in a playful mood today

I think that there´s no difference between boost with normalizing (or fader) or L2 as long it doesn´t clip. As I set the out ceiling to -0.2 on L2, I think that if I normalize to 0db before L2 the sound will already go clipping 0.2dB.
Maybe my experiment's methodology was not good, but you can hear the difference in the file I posted few posts above.
Anyway, this is not a big problem as clipping will always occur when trying to hit a -9 RMS average. My main doubt is if that´s how a "good" mix would look like before mastering: -6 peaks and -19 RMS average (or 0 peaks and -13 RMS average, if you normalize it). I mean, a mastering engineer would get this mix and say "oh, that´s exactly what I would expect from a pro mix. I LOVE to work with levels like these".
Looks good to me, but you can send a small clip first to make sure he likes it that way.
As people always tell to send your mixes for others to master, it´s pretty important to me to know what a mastering engineer is expecting in terms of RMS.
Don't worry about it too much - IMHO a good mastering engineer (not me hehehe) will have no problem with your mix.