Are thrax remasters of first 6 albums EVER going to come out?!?!?!

Aug 1, 2004
I read about these albums being rereleased and remastered in early 2003, but nothing has happened since then. Does thrax plan on ever releasing these, because my Fistful of Metal and State of Euphoria need it DESPERATELY! Anyone else agree?
Spreadingthe Living312 said:
I read about these albums being rereleased and remastered in early 2003, but nothing has happened since then. Does thrax plan on ever releasing these, because my Fistful of Metal and State of Euphoria need it DESPERATELY! Anyone else agree?

I would be surprised if they remastered entire albums again. No hit wonders is the closest you will get (just my observation, could be wrong).

I think re-releasing those albums again would be a little overkill.
DarbysDad said:
You get No Hit Wonders and like it. :D

When you think about it that's pretty stupid. No hit wonders is basically half of STD, ATL, SOE and POT... Two double disc sets and we would 've had all of em song remastered... The shitty thing is they left out AGAIN AIR and ADI, which are two very good songs that I'd have prefered over some other songs... oh well...
I hate buying compilations of various different albums. I already have all those CD's, I don't want to buy another CD that has some songs from one record and some songs from another record. I am for the re-masters. The Megadeth re-masters were so awesome. If they got the same treatment, it would def be worth buying all the old Anthrax stuff again. The bass drum alone on Peace Sells was so beefy I wanted to cry.
I kinda agree that it would be overkill, but it might be worth doing. I just got "State of Euphoria", and it would be cool to have a remastered verison. "No Hit Wonders" is a sweet 2-disc set, and I already had all of those albums, minus SOE.

They already "remastered" the first album and EP, but people still say they sound like crap. I don't know, I still don't have them.
You know if Anthrax re-mastered every CD some shits on this board would start to call them sell outs and shit and all we need is another blame game. Plus like no-one would buy them, so Anthrax would just waste their time. And finally No Hit Wonders came out.
