are we all intelligent then?


Dark Tranquillity Italia
Jan 3, 2005
Mestre (Venice)

this is a study showing that most of the students of the National Academy for Gifted and Talented Youth (UK) - which means most of the most intelligent students in UK - listen to heavy metal. This is because heavy metal helps them choking their bad emotions, stress and nerdiness.

Iron Maiden, Tool, In Flames and SOAD seem to be the most listened-to bands.

This study will be presented next Wednesday at the British Psychological Society conference, in York, by psychologist/researcher Stuart Cadwallader, teaching at the University of Warwick.

read more:
(for italians only)
I'm so smart, like, I dunno lol!!eleven! Not like 'em kids from MTV, no, I'm like for real, y'all!

Interesting study. I want to see the one about rap-music fans.
This is something I have been thinking about since I discovered that most of my colleagues, comprising an elite unit of an elite institution, have musical tastes akin to mine (more on the punk side than on the metal side, on average, but metal features prominently, too). I have one million points to make on the subject but they will have to wait because at the moment I'm overly tired. I will get back to this point in the near future.
Interesting indeed, however:

But there were also differences between the type of music the young people liked and their attitudes – with those who liked Heavy Metal having lower self-esteem and ideas about themselves.

That's not exactly good, is it?

Then again, when I begun listening to heavy music, I did suffer from low self-esteem. Later on, nowadays that is, I'm much better on that level but the music is still here and I'm to a point where I listen to this stuff for more than just frustration and anger release. I realized that I'm now always preferring bands that offer a good level of experimentation or at least a very unique sound. I have become picky instead of losing interest in the genre. I often wonder if some of you out there fell down that same path.
Well, I can't say that I always listen to bands in the metal scene for the healthiest of reasons (usually anger-related), although there are exceptions, like the ability Katatonia has to make me confront things that I am feeling, rather than burying them.

And bizarre, I agree on the pickiness.

I listen to this stuff for more than just frustration and anger release. I realized that I'm now always preferring bands that offer a good level of experimentation or at least a very unique sound. I have become picky instead of losing interest in the genre. I often wonder if some of you out there fell down that same path.

Absolutely. As hyena there, Ive got too many things to do, so just briefly. I think metal, and especially its most extreme branches like black metal, technical/melodic death metal and grind core (plus too many bands that simply dont fall to any of the metal subgenres), embodies the actual level to which music as such has evolved. I know its a very bold statement, but thats what I think. To illustrate what I mean - right now my colleague has told me that a band called Le Scrawl has been confirmed for Brutal Assault festival. And the genre? Jazz/ska/grind core. :cool:

EDIT: - fucking hillarious!!! :D
If people who are listening to IF are that intelligent, we DT listeners should all be at least :OMG: *starts counting with his fingers*
If people who are listening to IF are that intelligent, we DT listeners should all be at least :OMG: *starts counting with his fingers*

It doesn't go by band, as you could have mentioned, but by genre.

I guess fans of "atmospherrric crrrryptic bleck metaehl" are quite slooooooow then.

To be honest, I actually wondered about that. If ones intelligence can be estimated from the type of music he listenes to.
So my opinion at least is that listening, understanding, and enjoying extreme metal music takes an open mind and some explorative and active attitude towards the stuff you listen to. (However, I think that Cannibal Corpse is the most stupid stuff in music ever - hehe so maybe I am not intelligent enough for the Einsteins in Cannibal Corpse)

You don't listen to what media, mainstream radiostations and all the other (study-, work-, class-) mates makes you think you have to listen to - you make up yor own mind on this. Most metal is not really easy listening and it takes some very active approach to understand and get into it. Also the lyrics are demanding and well thought out. So all this means that we think a lot about the music we like. If that makes us intelligent, great. If not, I dont care.
Of course, there's easy listening metal as well (Hammerfall and the like).

anyone really intelligent would listen to classical music.
So how do you know what else we listen to (or what we don't listen to, for that matter)
And by the way: they say cows, when exposed to mozart, give more milk. I have never seen a cow solving the Schrödinger-Equation, but I did solve it- while listening to some good old heavy metal:headbang: