In Belgium, the school system is divided in Primary School (6 years) and Secondary school (6 years).
In Primary school, we had grades from 0 till 10 (where 5 is passing grade, 0 the worst and 10 the best).
In Secondary scchool, we had a 0-20 grading system (for the small test/homework during the year) and 0-100 grading system for the big exams (2 times a year, before Christmas and in the end of the schoolyear in June). The final grade, between 0 and 100 includes the result of the exam (70%
, and the average number of all the homework (30%) we did from the first half of the year at christmas, or for the second half of the year in June). Which is cool, because sometimes you fail your exam with lets say 48/100, you can still pass if you have enough points with the part of homework/small test to make up for the 2 missing points!
Here in Germany, at teh university, tehre is some sort of weird grading system, that doesnt exists at all in Belgium.
Grades from 1 to 4. All those grades mean that you passed, but less than 4 is failed. the grades inbetween are 1.2 , 1.7, ... like that for all grades exept for 4. and the 0.2 or 0.7 is like a + or - . Or something like that...
Someone from Germany, please correct me if i am mistaken