Liking Heavy Metal = Sign of Intelligence

85% seems kind of high a generalization. A lot of the girls you see at live shows that don't look like they listen to metal are pretty cute. A lot of the ones that try to show off their "metalness" are pretty nasty though.
The survey involved 1,057 members of the National Academy for Gifted and talented Youth

This part bothered me the most. Given that these kids were already members of the National Academy for Gifted and Talented Youth, the imposing of a heavy-metal slant to any study seems arbitrary. I could have easily conducted a study with the same 1057 kids and have found that a fondness for pink icing on chocolate cake was also was a classic sign of intelligence.
One of the greatest points of view I've encountered in terms how correlative arguments tend to fall apart under scrutiny was a study done in the Phoenix area. Effectively it showed that around June, when ice cream sales went up by forty percent, so sexual assaults.

Would we then conclude that sexual assaults are either caused or influenced by ice cream?
I recall something similar regarding being from Liverpool and being able to float during meditation. Perhaps hyperbolic examples, but the force of their criticism remains strong.

Not that no merit whatsoever exists in correlative arguments, only that one must remain wary.
Indeed. It was ultimately concluded that ice cream sales and sexual assaults were both the result of the much higher temperatures of the summer. So, related and important to perhaps making some sort of conclusion about human behavior in various climate conditions, but it was a humorous way to examine the limitations of correlative arguments.
Absolutely. On a related note, I recall the American students who created a computer program that generated random scientific statements. If I recall correctly, they used it to form a paper that was then submitted and approved to be used as a topic during a lecture series.

The students were reprimanded when it all came to light, but I think the prank retains a lot of power and significance.
I was recently in a Ben and Jerry's store and was pretty astounded by the amount of things they do for charity. The new Bohemian Raspberry flavour is quite awesome. Named, obviously, after the song, it gives 10% of all proceeds to the Brian May Aids Fund (which Brian May should have obviously called the Freddie Mercury Aids Fund, but nonetheless).
Ben And Jerry's should make a flavor called Keeley Hazellnut. That would make lots of people have urges
I've met some pretty dumb metalheads. I'd say that the best way to sort dumb metalheads from smart ones is to dife what subgenre they feel most attracted to.

I will say that I have never met anyone intelligent who openly listens to hatebreed.
I've met some pretty dumb metalheads. I'd say that the best way to sort dumb metalheads from smart ones is to dife what subgenre they feel most attracted to.

I will say that I have never met anyone intelligent who openly listens to hatebreed.

I've met a couple, actually. It's not really about what someone listens to, but why. I've met some truly brilliant people who listen to aweful bloody muisc. Bad taste, sure, but not indications of intelligence. Even with Hatebreed.