Are we not allowed

If I got it right, he did not beat his wife, it was the other way round. He got his ass kicked by his wife.

Judging by the photos online I'd say yes. His head is wrapped in a bandage and she looks just fine.

Now, look at it this way. If I was in his situation, I wouldn't want anyone speculating on a message board as to what happened because most people will usually say that the man was at fault and that he hit her no matter what really happened. I wish the best for these folks and I hope that everything can be taken care of in a mature adult manner. It's sad to see this happen to any family.
Ok now I can see why such a thread would get deleted. Leave it to the internet tough guy to ruin it for everybody. But hey, at least IMF09 is semi-pro in MMA, he would never "get his ass beaten by a girl"...fucking douchebag. As usual, no facts - all speculation. Must be a really sad life when you have nothing else to do than troll a messageboard daily.
Considering the lack of respect within other forums regarding this specific topic, I am happy if the Anthrax forum can remain troll-free.

Starting a thread about this situation, could be a way of supporting Charlie and his family. It depends on us, the users.
Hope this thread will not get deleted.

Using this forum is vital in showing support for the band that we love.
Should it be the wish of Charlie and his family, I will not complain if this thread gets taken off though
Yep, stop the wise ass comments, if we know nothing, then say nothing!!

I'm with the guys who are wishing the best for the Benante's. Stay strong!!
Anthrax Drummer Arrested, Lawyer Releases Statement
Submitted by: Dana

In light of the current reports that have surfaced describing a recent altercation between Anthrax drummer Charlie Benante and his wife, which led to their subsequent arrests, the following statement has been released from Charlie Benante's lawyer, Charlie William L. Hotopp:

"Last Friday night, Charlie Benante, drummer for the rock band Anthrax, was assaulted several times during an altercation that sent him to the emergency room with a gash at the back of his head that required several staples to close.

Mr. Benante and his six-year old daughter Mia had traveled to Elkart, IN to meet Mrs. Benante and her 17-year old son who was participating in a weekend baseball series. At some point, words were exchanged between Mr. Benante, Mrs. Benante and her male companion that led to a scuffle. Mrs. Benante hit Mr. Benante in the face, he pushed her away, and as he turned around to leave with Mia, Mrs. Benante assaulted him from behind, hitting him multiple times on the back of his head with a cell phone. Police were called, and both Mr. Benante and Mrs. Benante were detained for domestic battery in front of a child.

Mr. Benante is understandably distraught by this incident and that his daughter, who he dotes on, witnessed it.

Mr. Benante will appear in Elkhart County court this Friday, August 3rd, and we expect complete vindication."
Further news on this story as it becomes available