Are we one big metal family?

No, metalheads have never been a family. Not those I've known at least. And it's strange: black blocks are jointly liable, skinheads are jointly liable, and metalheads not. But who cares.
Yeah, to give a serious answer: no, of course we fucking aren't. I was 14 and a moron once too, and I fell for this deluded idea of UNITYYY or being "part of something" and then was obviously disillusioned as hell at the event of my realisation that it was all a pointless joke (just typical subculture stupidity and pathetic socialising-for-the-sake-of-it games). Fuck crowd mentality and fuck scenes.
Yeah, to give a serious answer: no, of course we fucking aren't. I was 14 and a moron once too, and I fell for this deluded idea of UNITYYY or being "part of something" and then was obviously disillusioned as hell at the event of my realisation that it was all a pointless joke (just typical subculture stupidity and pathetic socialising-for-the-sake-of-it games). Fuck crowd mentality and fuck scenes.
You sir, need to go out more.

When I go to my local metal-bar here in Stockholm, it's like everyone is united. And at concerts, phew, everyone talks to everyone!

And if you started listening to metal just for the sake of unity, then you are one lonely sorry sucker. I started listening to metal because of the music, and happened to stumble upon a great big family by chance.
I think we are at concerts and local shows.
Then again it depends on the people who are there; either have a good time, or to start shit with their drunkeness.