I come from The Era where there was only one Metal, So yes We were a Family.
Ozzy, Maiden, AC/DC, Black Sabbath, Metallica, Megadeth, Slayer!
This was before Hair pop, Bands who were never Metal & Grunge.
Nobody got Butthurt over their forced spinoff corporate band who never should have been signed, being slammed.
Thank God for Pantera bringing alot of that back. Pantera could'nt make up for 1986-Today.
Now since most of the bands mentioned are dead or mockeries of themselves, I'm backtracking to the Death Metal scene.
My only regret is that I couldn't see these bands when They were at their best & youngest.
Death Metal crowds are the closest example of those 1980-1986 years.
I wish someone would have played Napalm Death to Me after Burton died.
I would have loved to have seen a young Napalm Death, Death, Cannabal Corpse & Deicide!