Female metal fans! Please answer these questions for my research, thankyou!

8) How would you explain your experiences of being a heavy metal fan, what do you like most about the music?

the actual music, i'm not the guy that's gonna wear nothing but "slayer shirts" 365 days a year, when i'm at a concert i'm the guy that's actually listining to the music instead of being the guy with earplugs that's buying the "i went to this concert" t shirts that they sell at the concerts of every nationally known band

9) What do you feel about metal images/lryics which are perhaps considered sexist/ misogynistic?

i don't think they're trying to piss off females, i think they're just trying to get mysogonistic males to buy their stuff, the "average american male" still makes a hell of a lot more than the "average american female" and they're just catering to that, not to say that every american male is mysogonistic, but just that mysogonistic males spend more money than non-sexist males
1) What got you into heavy metal and how did you first enter the scene?

Well, I'm not exactly sure. It was in 5th grade or so that I first discovered Children of Bodom, and things grew gradually from there.

2) How large a part does heavy metal figure in your life?

I don't know if it's very large exactly, but I do love it, and I always wear my metal shirts as often as I can. ;) I wish I could go to shows, but I'm a youngling, so it's not possible at the moment. Metal is def. an escape from the world for me, as well.

3) How involved are you in the heavy metal scene- do you attend gigs and festivals regulary/participate in forums on the internet?

Refer to my last answer for most of this question. I have a few accounts on other forums that I go on every so often.

4)How often do you consume heavy metal products, eg- band merch, cds do you collect these 0ften?

Sporadically, when I have the money. I wear an adult small, and most bands that I like are pretty "obscure", so it's hard to find stuff. I usually have to buy larger sizes, such as XL or XXL, and have them fitted.

5) Is your identity shaped by being a heavy metal fan- do you wear clothes on a daily basis which signify that you are a fan?

Refer to above.

6) Do you feel you are treated differently for dressing as a metal fan when you're not around other fans?

I don't really notice these things. I live in a predominately Catholic town and go to a private Catholic high school (as it's the only private high school around), so it may happen.. but that's ok..I don't have any local metal friends. Most of them are older and live far away. Sadface.

7) Do you feel you are treated differently for being female at gigs and festivals and do you see these spaces as predominantly male dominated or not?

Not really sure. The only real festival I went to was a Rage Against the Machine concert when I was 12ish. Like I said earlier, I'm still not old enough to get into many shows that I want to see.

8) How would you explain your experiences of being a heavy metal fan, what do you like most about the music?

Besides liking the music for what it is, I do enjoy and respect the people I've met who are involved in this scene. They've become some of my closest friends.

9) What do you feel about metal images/lryics which are perhaps considered sexist/ misogynistic?

It doesn't really bother me. Some bands use such elements for shock purpose only, as well, so it's not something that riles me. Regardless of the context, it all has to do with the scene, and I like this scene.

10) Do you feel you identify with male/female band members on stage? if so, how?


11) have you been in a band, played or own an instrument?

Never been in a band, but I played piano when I was younger, and I know how to play the drums and I'm all right at guitar.

12) Describe your experiences of seeing a favourite band live?


13) What do you feel about the idea that Heavy metal is said to be a very masculine genre of music?, How do you see your own identity as feminine/masculine?

It is a very masculine genre, and it takes a certain type of female to like it. That's all I have to say for now.

14) What do you like about metal compared to other types of music?

Metal, especially black/folk/viking metal, evokes a special kind of atmosphere that is unparalleled. I wouldn't want things any other way.
Shit this is long..

1) What got you into heavy metal and how did you first enter the scene? Always listened to Metallica and got "into" it when I was 9 after hearing the S&M recording. Got into extreme metal at 11 due to well... extreme situations.

2) How large a part does heavy metal figure in your life?
Colors my world

3) How involved are you in the heavy metal scene- do you attend gigs and festivals regulary/participate in forums on the internet?
I go to concerts. Write music. Stuff like that :P

4)How often do you consume heavy metal products, eg- band merch, cds do you collect these 0ften?
For the bands I really like which there are not many. So sometimes.

5) Is your identity shaped by being a heavy metal fan- do you wear clothes on a daily basis which signify that you are a fan?
I'm not big on wearing logo type clothing all over the place and I also don't like many band's shirts so I only wear the ones I like or the ones I destroyed and reinvented. If by wearing mostly black and accessorizing with mostly metal counts then sure.

6) Do you feel you are treated differently for dressing as a metal fan when you're not around other fans?
Depends on who you are around. A leather jacket in a religious community can turn heads.

7) Do you feel you are treated differently for being female at gigs and festivals and do you see these spaces as predominantly male dominated or not?
Again just depends on what band you are going to see. I have gone to some and been one of two females. I find that guys will try to protect me from getting sucked into the pits and perhaps be a bit extra nice. Guys on stage stare which usually is unwanted and makes me uncomfortable. I like to be in the front as my hair is long (to be polite to others) but I think I will start to wear a bag. A black bag ;)

8) How would you explain your experiences of being a heavy metal fan, what do you like most about the music?
I got into the music because it expressed my being in the best way I could find. Compared to your average material on the radio you can find the fastest, slowest, heaviest, softest music around all in metal.. a broad range of dynamics that won't leave you bored.

9) What do you feel about metal images/lryics which are perhaps considered sexist/ misogynistic?
How well are they written?

10) Do you feel you identify with male/female band members on stage? if so, how?
No. But then I identify with <1% of the total population.

11) have you been in a band, played or own an instrument?
I have played in bands for 9 years.. but concert, orchestral, and one year marching bands. Played/play: piano, clarinet, baritone horn, violin, and mostly melodic percussion (which I guess you could argue includes piano but then that definition seems to shift over the years)

12) Describe your experiences of seeing a favourite band live?
Oh wow.. varies with the music. You can be lulled into a trance (ISIS anybody?), demolished to the point of being breathless and having to lay down in the grass, or left squealing like a little girl emotionally wiped out XD

13) What do you feel about the idea that Heavy metal is said to be a very masculine genre of music?, How do you see your own identity as feminine/masculine?
One guy told me once "yeaaaaah metallica! This is testosterone in a bottle!" .. but then he also called a car I like "a cock on wheels" trying to impress me with idiocy? My take on it then: women don't sit on their dainty hands at home waiting for the water to boil for tea time. We can get worked up, massively POed, and with a strong need to bash or hump every object in sight. I see myself as a person. Gender lines just don't matter.

14) What do you like about metal compared to other types of music? See number 8
added to that: the energy on stage, better lyrics, the content of the lyrics, long hair, better for fucking
Calling all female metal fans!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Please answer in as much detail as you like and send your answers, that would be a big help thanks!

1) What got you into heavy metal and how did you first enter the scene?
When I was 10/11 Korn, Limp Bizkit and Slipknot were popular. I got really into them, then Pantera when I was 13, cradle when I was 14, and shortly after when they signed on to roadrunner, I was looking for a favorite band replacement. Then I heard Finntroll, Emperor and Darkthone and I've been obsessed with folk and black metals ever since.

2) How large a part does heavy metal figure in your life?
I LIVE! for metal. It is the essence of every fiber in my being. Without metal, I wouldn't really feel the need to exist.

3) How involved are you in the heavy metal scene- do you attend gigs and festivals regulary/participate in forums on the internet?
Yep. 99 percent of what I wear is band merch, over 50 percent purchased from shows. Shows I will be attending so far this year: -Enslaved/dimmuburger, -Watain, Finnish Metal Tour 2. I go to every show I can afford of every band I like.

4)How often do you consume heavy metal products, eg- band merch, cds do you collect these 0ften?
YES! Almost every shirt or sweatshirt I own is a metal shirt. If I'm not wearing one, then it is safe to assume it is laundry day! I'm a graphic design major, so every final project I take on in a computer class is creating a cd booklet for a band, I have tons of cds just because I like looking at the album artwork, and hope to be able to design albums for bands eventually.

5) Is your identity shaped by being a heavy metal fan- do you wear clothes on a daily basis which signify that you are a fan?
Yeah probably. I only wear band shirts. And I'm always blasting music on my ipod, you will never see me without my metal.

6) Do you feel you are treated differently for dressing as a metal fan when you're not around other fans?
Yeah. People think I'm "goth" which isn't true, but they think that because a lot of my clothing is black. My family always asks when I'll grow up, and I'm usually the person in the corner in class that no one talks to or gives a fuck about because I'm "weird".

7) Do you feel you are treated differently for being female at gigs and festivals and do you see these spaces as predominantly male dominated or not?
Yeah, but whatever. I saw COF in NYC in '07 and guys were molesting me, really I've never had so many people reach for my crotch in one night. I'm not even that good-looking or anything, but at a show I guess I become an 8 or 9 just for being the only girl. Got a good work-out that night elbowing a lot of people.

8) How would you explain your experiences of being a heavy metal fan, what do you like most about the music?
I usually look for good vocals, interesting beats and good solos. I love like...dark vocals and folk-ish drum beats with sick fills, ghoulish screams...

9) What do you feel about metal images/lryics which are perhaps considered sexist/ misogynistic?
I have posters on my wall of some of these things. I don't really care because I objectify men just as much as they objectify women. I'm possibly even worse than most men.

10) Do you feel you identify with male/female band members on stage? if so, how?
Identify? huh?

11) have you been in a band, played or own an instrument?
I used to play guitar a lot, but work and school take up all of my time now so I don't have the time to. I have a jaw harp and pan flute that I fuck around with on occasion. My friends are in a band though, and I gave them an idea for a song based on this girl I know. She loves me and we're friends, but shes a "jesus freak", preaching morals but at the same time is a HUGE slut. She's like...missing her soul or something too, so it lead to this joke that she fills the void with jesus and cum...and it became godwhore.

12) Describe your experiences of seeing a favourite band live?
Ensiferum!! I saw this guy that was setting shit up, with like a black hat and vest...so me and the person I was with kept joking around that he was the wanderer. The people there were really cool, and it was just a really fun show. The guys from Ensiferum came on stage with kilts and no shirts too! I LOVED it! They are kind of on the...shapely...side...but I'm a pervert and I love big men with wild long hair.

13) What do you feel about the idea that Heavy metal is said to be a very masculine genre of music?, How do you see your own identity as feminine/masculine?
It is mostly male-dominated, but either way I don't exactly see very many people into it to begin with. So it doesn't bother me at all. I am feminine, I love dressing up in skirts and such, but my best friends are all guys. Guys are just more fun, I've always had a sick twisted sense of humor, and been perverse so I just relate to them much better, because most girls go "ew" while a guy will say "that's fucking awesome!".

14) What do you like about metal compared to other types of music?
It's good, compared to other types. I just really like heavy, dark music, and stuff that can be special to me.
1) What got you into heavy metal and how did you first enter the scene?

I was brought up listening to classic rock and glam metal, and my older brother is a HUGE metal head so it was only a matter of time before I was hooked! I started listening to Children of Bodom in grade 8, and I'm out of high school now.

2) How large a part does heavy metal figure in your life?

It helps me through all the tough times. And the good ones. It's the ray of sunshine in my life...no matter how contradictory that sounds.

3) How involved are you in the heavy metal scene- do you attend gigs and festivals regulary/participate in forums on the internet?

I'm pretty active in the online community, I wish I could go to gigs more often but there's not a lot where I'm from

4)How often do you consume heavy metal products, eg- band merch, cds do you collect these 0ften?

I have loooots of CDS, band shirts etc...they are regular purchases

5) Is your identity shaped by being a heavy metal fan- do you wear clothes on a daily basis which signify that you are a fan?

A couple times a week I'd say. I have lots of clothes from American Eagle, Abercrombie, Hollister (I know what your thinking..those are the only stores that I fit into!!) and I do love fashion and looking nice but hells yeah, I throw in a bandshirt as often as I can. I love to represent.

6) Do you feel you are treated differently for dressing as a metal fan when you're not around other fans?

Haha I get weird looks from old people.

7) Do you feel you are treated differently for being female at gigs and festivals and do you see these spaces as predominantly male dominated or not?

Yeah there's a lot of males but I don't think I get treated any differently..its awesome actually

8) How would you explain your experiences of being a heavy metal fan, what do you like most about the music?

The way it makes me feel. I can't even describe it, but when I listen to metal there's a feeling I get, it's like a high and I wouldn't trade it for anything

9) What do you feel about metal images/lryics which are perhaps considered sexist/ misogynistic?

Haha I'm like the least feminist person ever, that crap really doesn't bother me.

10) Do you feel you identify with male/female band members on stage? if so, how?

Yeah it just feels like everyone's a family

11) have you been in a band, played or own an instrument?

My family is pretty musical, my brother is an amazing guitarist and I can play a few songs here and there. I also sing:)

12) Describe your experiences of seeing a favourite band live?

13) What do you feel about the idea that Heavy metal is said to be a very masculine genre of music?, How do you see your own identity as feminine/masculine?

I agree that it's masculine. I am honestly a pretty huge girly girl...I have pink bedding from Victorias Secret, yet I have Bodom shirts with a bloody grim reaper on them...people call me the walking oxy moron. I am still feminine but metal brings out my more masculine side I guess?haha

14) What do you like about metal compared to other types of music?

I like that it's real. It's raw and genuine and the actual guitar playing, drumming, piano, whatever is GOOD not just power chords or mindless strumming...it takes soo much skill and it's just brilliant
8) How would you explain your experiences of being a heavy metal fan, what do you like most about the music?

the actual music, i'm not the guy that's gonna wear nothing but "slayer shirts" 365 days a year, when i'm at a concert i'm the guy that's actually listining to the music instead of being the guy with earplugs that's buying the "i went to this concert" t shirts that they sell at the concerts of every nationally known band

9) What do you feel about metal images/lryics which are perhaps considered sexist/ misogynistic?

i don't think they're trying to piss off females, i think they're just trying to get mysogonistic males to buy their stuff, the "average american male" still makes a hell of a lot more than the "average american female" and they're just catering to that, not to say that every american male is mysogonistic, but just that mysogonistic males spend more money than non-sexist males
1) What got you into heavy metal and how did you first enter the scene? When I was twelve my Jr. High Algebra teacher introduced me to Integrity, which is a hardcore punk vibed band that started in the eighties. From there my tastes evolved to gind, thrash and eventually many different facets of metal. So, I'd say I first entered the scene ten years or so ago. (I'm twenty-five.)

2) How large a part does heavy metal figure in your life? Music in general plays a huge role in my life.

3) How involved are you in the heavy metal scene- do you attend gigs and festivals regulary/participate in forums on the internet? This is the first internet forum I have ever participated in. I go to a lot of gigs but mostly grind/punk. I go to metal gigs when they roll through here.

4)How often do you consume heavy metal products, eg- band merch, cds do you collect these 0ften? I buy my music off Itunes, and I don't really purchase merchandise.

5) Is your identity shaped by being a heavy metal fan- do you wear clothes on a daily basis which signify that you are a fan? No. I have to wear a suit to work, not much room for self expression. Any band t-shirts I have are old as all get out.

6) Do you feel you are treated differently for dressing as a metal fan when you're not around other fans? I don't dress like a metal fan.

7) Do you feel you are treated differently for being female at gigs and festivals and do you see these spaces as predominantly male dominated or not? No.

8) How would you explain your experiences of being a heavy metal fan, what do you like most about the music? I enjoy the rush the music gives you and the way it makes you feel inside.

9) What do you feel about metal images/lyrics which are perhaps considered sexist/ misogynistic? I do not have opinions on this.

10) Do you feel you identify with male/female band members on stage? if so, how? Not particularly, I enjoy the product they put out, but I rarely identify on a personal level.

11) have you been in a band, played or own an instrument? I am a classically trained flautist.

12) Describe your experiences of seeing a favourite band live? Intense.

13) What do you feel about the idea that Heavy metal is said to be a very masculine genre of music?, How do you see your own identity as feminine/masculine? I listen to this genre because I like it, along with various other genres. I do not feel I need to set a 'metal' identity.

14) What do you like about metal compared to other types of music? The intensity of the music.
1) What got you into heavy metal and how did you first enter the scene?
When I was 11 my cousin gave me a cassette tape of Slayer's "Seasons of the Abyss". I listened to it all the time and fell in love.

2) How large a part does heavy metal figure in your life?
I enjoy going to metal shows over any other genre of music. I have always felt that metal is the most positive, life-affirming type of music in existence. When I am down it brings me back up, when I am hurt over something it is able to turn my sadness into anger, an energy that feels more empowering.

3) How involved are you in the heavy metal scene- do you attend gigs and festivals regularly/participate in forums on the internet?
I've never been much into festivals, preferring smaller shows and venues.

4)How often do you consume heavy metal products, eg- band merch, cds do you collect these often?

I collect CDs and ticket stubs from shows I've attended.

5) Is your identity shaped by being a heavy metal fan- do you wear clothes on a daily basis which signify that you are a fan?
I do not dress to express any certain scene but I do tend to have somewhat of a personal uniform- black slacks, tight black tank, black vests, etc. and I prefer simple leather cuffs to more feminine jewelry.

6) Do you feel you are treated differently for dressing as a metal fan when you're not around other fans?
Not really. The people in my life have long ago accepted me for who I am and strangers tend to be more fascinated by me than anything else.

7) Do you feel you are treated differently for being female at gigs and festivals and do you see these spaces as predominantly male dominated or not?
They are predominantly male and once I had a drunk hefty guy purposely slam into me when I wasn't even near the pit, just to be an ass I guess. When I called him on it he says, "Well maybe you shouldn't have come to a Ministry show!" Sadly, I do feel that women do get picked on for being at metal shows, but it is a small percentage of guys who do that who just need to grow the fuck up.

8) How would you explain your experiences of being a heavy metal fan, what do you like most about the music?
It is part of my identity that I do not advertise much. Not many of my friends are into it as Industrial/ EBM seems to be the cool thing these days. With my last serious boyfriend I ended up going to shows alone as he wasn't into it even though I (begrudgingly)attended Ladytron with him and his sister.

The music makes me feel more alive, I feel that anger can be a positive life-force that can inspire one to do great things and it sure as fuck beats the hell out of being emo and sad about shit. Metal is inspiration and empowerment.

9) What do you feel about metal images/lryics which are perhaps considered sexist/ misogynistic?

haha you may not get this but I'm a bit misogynistic myself. I don't get along well with most gals and never have had more than 3 good female friends at a time. I try to be cool with chicks but they only seem interested in drama and talking shit and that just isn't my scene. So yah,I tend to kick it with guys more.

As for the imagery, I like it! Nothing wrong with putting some eye-candy to some bad-ass music from time to time.

10) Do you feel you identify with male/female band members on stage? if so, how?

I identify more with the guy band members, I don't usually like female vocals (with few exceptions).

11) have you been in a band, played or own an instrument?

I've never taken up an instrument seriously. I am not very musically inclined but I can write some bad-ass lyrics. I'm more of a lyricist.

12) Describe your experiences of seeing a favorite band live?

A few years back I saw Dimmu Borgir @ Stubbs in Austin. It was my first mosh pit. I fell down and tore my pants, a guy helped me up and I left the pit feeling fucking ecstatic!

13) What do you feel about the idea that Heavy metal is said to be a very masculine genre of music?, How do you see your own identity as feminine/masculine?

I am kinda femme in appearance mainly due to nature, I can't help that. I tend to dress more like a guy and don't like shaving/wearing make-up and all that mess. I see myself as a blend of feminine and masculine. I can be pretty emotional like most women.People have told me I have a " masculine energy" and I have always felt that way myself. When I was younger I'd be hanging out with a group of guys and forget I was female until I had to take a piss. heh. :eek:

14) What do you like about metal compared to other types of music?

I do enjoy some techno/ industrial stuff. I tend to gravitate toward music that can be described as hard and ugly. I do feel that metal is my first love, though,thus will always have that special place in my heart.:flame:
1) What got you into heavy metal and how did you first enter the scene?

*I got into heavy metal by both my parents. At the young age of five I was already head banging to Metallica, the Ride the Lightning Album (its taped if you don&#8217;t believe me otherwise bahaha!). Metal was always blaring in my house when I was younger, but not until around the age of 12 did I become more aware of the metal scene. Overall it&#8217;s been seven years now and of course still going!

2) How large a part does heavy metal figure in your life?

*Metal is why I still stand here today. Got me through the roughest low points in my life, and has brought and raised me up until the strong confident women I am today!

3) How involved are you in the heavy metal scene- do you attend gigs and festivals regulary/participate in forums on the internet?

*I am extremely involved in the metal scene! I&#8217;ve been to 20 concerts now, and go to local shows whenever good bands are playing lol! And yes the forum on here is now a hobby of mine; to stay connected and meet some great worldwide metalheads around :)

4)How often do you consume heavy metal products, eg- band merch, cds do you collect these 0ften?

*Every time I'm out and see band tees and sweaters in my size I will purchase. It can be difficult seeings how petite I am, so I never pass up an opportunity no matter how short on money I am. Newly released cd&#8217;s of my favourites I will buy the odd time, but that is only if I already had heard the entire album ahead of time.

5) Is your identity shaped by being a heavy metal fan- do you wear clothes on a daily basis which signify that you are a fan?

*I own a ton of band tees over the years from all the concerts I&#8217;ve been to, along with the stores I've come across. My style has changed quite a bit with the phases I&#8217;ve gone through over the years, but I am your typical metalhead. I don&#8217;t wear no goth pieces, or a ton of thick eyeliner. Just a band tee with a pair of jeans and I&#8217;m good to go! But I will note that I am into fashion as well, and will buy the odd preppy thing to add colour to la wardrobe :lol:
So say like a girly shirt, but a will always represent with a band sweater :P

6) Do you feel you are treated differently for dressing as a metal fan when you're not around other fans?

*I&#8217;ve never had that happen to me really, since all my friends are guys and we all dress the same. Though on the other hand, the girls that I might hang out with the odd time tend to usually make me feel out of place, but it doesn&#8217;t really bother me as much.

7) Do you feel you are treated differently for being female at gigs and festivals and do you see these spaces as predominantly male dominated or not?

*I definitely feel that, unless I go to a huge group with my buddies, than things are less intimidating. I&#8217;m 5&#8217;5 and thin, so guys (if they are drunk) might the odd time tease me or give me weird looks for showing up at metal concerts, especially since I&#8217;m always on the floor where the mosh pit is. Regardless, I really have never cared how few girls may show up at a gig than guys would, because I&#8217;m more focussed on seeing the band and having a good time to care less what the guys may think. I kinda like when fewer ladies show up, because even the girls the odd time will intimidate me.

8) How would you explain your experiences of being a heavy metal fan, what do you like most about the music?

*What I like most about the music is the variety, as I am very open minded to all types of metal, but like any metalhead we all have other favourites. Overall the first thing I listen for is the drums, then the vocals, then for the solos. I LOVE those blasts beats!

9) What do you feel about metal images/lyrics which are perhaps considered sexist/ misogynistic?

*I find it hilarious, as I&#8217;ve always been a laid back chick who can take a laugh herself, just like all guys do. Which is why I love being friends with guys, so I never have to deal with the drama.

10) Do you feel you identify with male/female band members on stage? if so, how?

*Only when bands no how to interact with their fans on stage and know how to show their gratitude and appreciation for us being there.

11) have you been in a band, played or own an instrument?

*I&#8217;ve been playing the guitar since I was 10. Stop for a couple years though, and just recently am now getting back into it. On another stand point, I am looking into a starters kit, as I really want to learn the drums!

12) Describe your experiences of seeing a favourite band live?

*It gives me this rush of adrenaline, it&#8217;s an amazing feeling. Almost like a sort of high

13) What do you feel about the idea that Heavy metal is said to be a very masculine genre of music?, How do you see your own identity as feminine/masculine?

*I hate that it&#8217;s so very sexists in terms with the male population, but I find that the women in metal; whether they are a front lead vocalists of a band, or work in the music industry surrounding the genre; that they help us women get more recognition and respect towards the men. Regardless or not I am a very feminine, as I wear tight fitted clothing to show off my figure the majority of the time, but always will accessorize with something to show I am a metalhead (.ie band patches, sweater).

14) What do you like about metal compared to other types of music?

*That it&#8217;s in your face time of music! I like the fact that it signifies strength, and gives you the confidence to not give a fuck about what people may judge of you. Overall it makes you feel empowered to stay strong no matter what life throws at you.
The Music, DUH! & the whole scene. Sex, Drugs & R&R!

It's a part of Myself, It doesn't overtake Myself.

Very, Mostly to get Guys to buy booze for Me, I'm underage, or I'd stay home & jam!

I have My own style, I won't be most bands billboard.

80%,& yes.

Don't care.

Like a kid in a candy store, Bring it on!

I manipulate the Guys I can, & stay away from those I can't. Like all girls.

The Music is more Electric & Powerfull to put it simply.

Most Females discount themselves too much already, Why should Metal be any different?

No, I don't bullshit Myself.

I sit on the speakers & cum!

Like being hit by lightning!

I don't, as young as I am, I know its a show!

Sex, Drugs & Rock 'n Roll, the last Bastion!
1) What got you into heavy metal and how did you first enter the scene?
My mother of all people. lol

2) How large a part does heavy metal figure in your life?
Quite a bit I'm a music major after all.

3) How involved are you in the heavy metal scene- do you attend gigs and festivals regulary/participate in forums on the internet?
2 forums, teach guitar, plenty of concerts.

4)How often do you consume heavy metal products, eg- band merch, cds do you collect these 0ften?
I have a huge CD collection, a few bands shirts, not my usual style of dress

5) Is your identity shaped by being a heavy metal fan- do you wear clothes on a daily basis which signify that you are a fan?
Not clothes usually, but sometimes.

6) Do you feel you are treated differently for dressing as a metal fan when you're not around other fans?

7) Do you feel you are treated differently for being female at gigs and festivals and do you see these spaces as predominantly male dominated or not?
Only when some morons thinks he can just rub up on my bewbs.

8) How would you explain your experiences of being a heavy metal fan, what do you like most about the music?
I love the techiness, also why I like classical, complexity is for me.

9) What do you feel about metal images/lryics which are perhaps considered sexist/ misogynistic?
I'm not sure I've heard much metal like this, but I'm far from a feminist, really depends on how bad it is.

10) Do you feel you identify with male/female band members on stage? if so, how?

11) have you been in a band, played or own an instrument?
Yep, guitar since about age 6.

12) Describe your experiences of seeing a favourite band live?
Haha, I've seen so many, but seeing Nevermore and Jag Panzer with my pals is my favorite experience, loved seeing Jeff and Chris go back and forth, and Chris is......well nice to look at. lol

13) What do you feel about the idea that Heavy metal is said to be a very masculine genre of music?, How do you see your own identity as feminine/masculine?
I'm a girlie girl, very feminine, but the music is masculine, and is why more women should be drawn to it, as a heterosexual female I'm drawn to masculinity.

14) What do you like about metal compared to other types of music?
Again the complexity, and some times the fans too!
Calling all female metal fans!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Please answer in as much detail as you like and send your answers, that would be a big help thanks! :D

1) What got you into heavy metal and how did you first enter the scene?

My dad playing Metallica in the car. I'd never listened to it properly before but somehow I knew a lot of the words. Clever parents, subconsciously influencing their children from a young age.

2) How large a part does heavy metal figure in your life?

It's a pretty damn massive part.

3) How involved are you in the heavy metal scene- do you attend gigs and festivals regulary/participate in forums on the internet?

I attend them when I can, and try when I can't. My money pretty much goes on tickets.

4)How often do you consume heavy metal products, eg- band merch, cds do you collect these 0ften?

Yeah, I only wear band shirts so obviously I try to get as many as possible. I also always check second-hand shops as some of them manage to get some really obscure black metal.

5) Is your identity shaped by being a heavy metal fan- do you wear clothes on a daily basis which signify that you are a fan?

Yes. As stated above, I only wear band shirts. I HATE the whole gothic look for women in the metal scene, I stick to denim and leather.

6) Do you feel you are treated differently for dressing as a metal fan when you're not around other fans?

Not particularly. Girls are 'meant to have long hair'. :P

7) Do you feel you are treated differently for being female at gigs and festivals and do you see these spaces as predominantly male dominated or not?

The chicks get stared at, it's an obvious fact. I tend to blend in due to my attire though.
It'd be stupid to say they aren't male-dominated. The only time I've seen the amount of gash match the amount of sausage is when power metal bands have been playing.

8) How would you explain your experiences of being a heavy metal fan, what do you like most about the music?

It's so much more passionate and means so much more. It's not just a stupid fashionable phase, it's for life.

9) What do you feel about metal images/lryics which are perhaps considered sexist/ misogynistic?

Don't give a shit.

10) Do you feel you identify with male/female band members on stage? if so, how?

I am severely jealous of the frontwoman of Darkened Nocturn Slaughtercult.

11) have you been in a band, played or own an instrument?

Started learning guitar a while back. I gave up though with the excuse that my hands are too small. I play tin-whistle though! Bahah.

12) Describe your experiences of seeing a favourite band live?

Being unable to move the next day. Completely surreal.

13) What do you feel about the idea that Heavy metal is said to be a very masculine genre of music?, How do you see your own identity as feminine/masculine?

People have often said I'm pretty much a guy in a girl's body. I get on much better with males and sometimes feel a little awkward around females, especially those who aren't into metal at all. I do have a lot of female friends though, but my best friends have always been guys.

14) What do you like about metal compared to other types of music?

Basically what I said above. Passion, rawness, diversity.

My answers in bold. Have fun.​
1) What got you into heavy metal and how did you first enter the scene?
My older sister used to listen to NIN and Tool and I liked it. That's what first got me into liking hard rock/metal

2) How large a part does heavy metal figure in your life?
I'd say somewhat of a large part because my husband and I both love metal. It is one of the many things we have in common and it's something that I think helps our relationship work.

3) How involved are you in the heavy metal scene- do you attend gigs and festivals regulary/participate in forums on the internet?
Not really. I've only been to 3 concerts.

4)How often do you consume heavy metal products, eg- band merch, cds do you collect these 0ften?
The only band I buy merchandise from is Rammstein

5) Is your identity shaped by being a heavy metal fan- do you wear clothes on a daily basis which signify that you are a fan?
No, but I used to when I was younger. I found that people treated me with a lack of respect when I dressed like a "rocker" and I also felt I was getting a bit too old to be dressing like that. I will still wear band shirts on occasion though

6) Do you feel you are treated differently for dressing as a metal fan when you're not around other fans?
See above.

7) Do you feel you are treated differently for being female at gigs and festivals and do you see these spaces as predominantly male dominated or not?
Haven't really been to enough concerts to say.

8) How would you explain your experiences of being a heavy metal fan, what do you like most about the music?
It gives me energy. It makes me feel good. Sometimes if I'm angry it helps relieve some of the anger. If you're working out and listening it helps you.

9) What do you feel about metal images/lryics which are perhaps considered sexist/ misogynistic?
It doesn't really bother me, although I will roll my eyes when there's blatant nudity/sex in a band's imagery for no reason. I do however understand that metal is written by and for men and that this sort of imagery is part of the package.

10) Do you feel you identify with male/female band members on stage? if so, how?
Not really.

11) have you been in a band, played or own an instrument?

12) Describe your experiences of seeing a favourite band live?
....happy...energized...almost euphoric.

13) What do you feel about the idea that Heavy metal is said to be a very masculine genre of music?, How do you see your own identity as feminine/masculine?
Metal IS masculine and I LOVE masculinity! It might be one of the very things that attracts me to metal. I see myself as inbetween. I like very feminine things and I like very masculine things. I'd say I have a pretty good balance but I'd lean more towards masculine.

14) What do you like about metal compared to other types of music?
I like the force of metal and I like how it represents a broad scope of emotions. A band like Iron Maiden is a lot more upbeat and positive than say a band like Slayer, even though I love them both. Different bands make me feel completely different things.
1) What got you into heavy metal and how did you first enter the scene?
I had a really good friend who was a huge metalhead, and at the time we first met I didn't care about music. I didn't like mainstream music, but didn't know something better existed in the shadows. He got me into power metal, his favorite genre, and from there after we broke our friendship I just explored metal more and started to find the death and black side more appealing (to my broken heart). Then I found a forum for local metalheads and found out about venues and local bands.

2) How large a part does heavy metal figure in your life?
Very much. I'll listen to it all the time. Probably too much actually, I don't even bother talking to most people who don't like metal.

3) How involved are you in the heavy metal scene- do you attend gigs and festivals regulary/participate in forums on the internet?
I go on the local forum. Usually attend most concerts, but I'm restricted because I'm underaged and most local bands play at bars.

4)How often do you consume heavy metal products, eg- band merch, cds do you collect these 0ften?
I buy tour tshirts from concerts I've really enjoyed. I try to buy more merch, and less CDs.

5) Is your identity shaped by being a heavy metal fan- do you wear clothes on a daily basis which signify that you are a fan?
Nah not really, only at concerts. If I wear my band Ts to school no one would recognize it so there's no point.

6) Do you feel you are treated differently for dressing as a metal fan when you're not around other fans?
Not really. Most guys who don't like metal think it's cool actually.

7) Do you feel you are treated differently for being female at gigs and festivals and do you see these spaces as predominantly male dominated or not?
Ya. You see males making friends and striking up conversations right away in line with strangers. I feel like most assume because I'm female and young I don't know real metal. Sometimes I feel like a loner, but I come to concerts to listen to music, not make friends.

8) How would you explain your experiences of being a heavy metal fan, what do you like most about the music?
I like pretty much everything. Metal fans are amazing. Music sounds great. We can listen to anything from power metal like Sonata Arctica, to "br00tal or kvlt" metal like Suffocation, Watain, Burzum, Fleshgod Apocolypse,Dissection, Spawn of Possession etc.

9) What do you feel about metal images/lryics which are perhaps considered sexist/ misogynistic?
Haven't listened to many songs like that. I wouldn't consider them true metal anyways. Metal is for any sex, age, race (etc). But it matters in what context, I don't take it that seriously if it's meant as a joke.

10) Do you feel you identify with male/female band members on stage? if so, how?
Well we all have our different reasons for doing stuff. Most band members I've met I can identify with them.

11) have you been in a band, played or own an instrument?
No. I'm planning on starting drumming soon though.

12) Describe your experiences of seeing a favourite band live?
Amazing. I was headbanging and moshing. It's great to be surrounded by people who love music as much as you.

13) What do you feel about the idea that Heavy metal is said to be a very masculine genre of music?, How do you see your own identity as feminine/masculine?
I'm ok with it. i know there's always going to be that asshole guy who'll disagree with my taste, and I'll always laugh it off. Just because I have a vag doesn't make me any less metal. Personally I love most *real* metalhead girls i meet at concerts. They're not bitchy and always trying to steal your guy friends. I do sometimes have trouble being too masculine or feminine. Whenever I go to concerts I feel too masculin wearing my band shirts and jeans, but when I go to school you wouldn't even notice I'm a metalhead.

14) What do you like about metal compared to other types of music?
I just love how metal has so much variety. Punk is good. Classical is good. But metal combines all that and more, and it's just amazing. Metal pretty much defines me.
here goes since I am super bored...

1) What got you into heavy metal and how did you first enter the scene?
My friend made me a "mix" cd, there were 2 slayer songs.
I loved them... dead skin mask and one other I cant remember... so I ended up falling head over heels for slayer and within a week I had all their cds. But ultimately a friend. (sorry to ramble)

2) How large a part does heavy metal figure in your life?
It's always going to be a part of my life. I mean music in general is a huge part. But I dont have many friends in my area who share my interest in metal so yeah...

3) How involved are you in the heavy metal scene- do you attend gigs and festivals regulary/participate in forums on the internet?
This is my first forum, I have been to a lot of shows. Just went to MDF (<3), I used to have my own booking company for metal bands called Valhalla so yeah Id say I have been steadily involved.

4)How often do you consume heavy metal products, eg- band merch, cds do you collect these 0ften?
Any time I go to a show really.

5) Is your identity shaped by being a heavy metal fan- do you wear clothes on a daily basis which signify that you are a fan?
Not on the daily just because of work, but yeah on my days off for sure Ill rock a shirt or sweater.

6) Do you feel you are treated differently for dressing as a metal fan when you're not around other fans?

7) Do you feel you are treated differently for being female at gigs and festivals and do you see these spaces as predominantly male dominated or not?
Yes. But I do not mind. I understand that it for the most part, from my point of view and my experiences it is a male dominated. But its all good... :)

8) How would you explain your experiences of being a heavy metal fan, what do you like most about the music?
I cant quite put my finger on exactly what it is about the music that I like, I just like it (as dumb as that sounds it is how I feel). And as far as being a fan I love it. To be honest a lot of people just pass judgement on the music before hearing it. I did a bit. Until slayer entered my world. But there is something really awesome and majestic about meeting another "metal head" its like an instant bond or understanding... right? lol

9) What do you feel about metal images/lyrics which are perhaps considered sexist/ misogynistic?
It doesnt bother me. Especially since it is more male dominated.

10) Do you feel you identify with male/female band members on stage? if so, how?
I dont think so.

11) have you been in a band, played or own an instrument?
I played bass and sang in a band for 3 years.
12) Describe your experiences of seeing a favourite band live?
most recently when I saw inquisition I cried when they were done. I really dont know what happend or why I cried, I was just so happy... I didnt want them to stop.
But in the larger scale I just love seeing the bands I like obviously, theres just some amazing feeling I get... :p

13) What do you feel about the idea that Heavy metal is said to be a very masculine genre of music?, How do you see your own identity as feminine/masculine?
I dont think of myself as incredibly feminine or particularly masculine. But sometimes I act like a dude. haha
14) What do you like about metal compared to other types of music?
its more mystical then the others.
1) What got you into heavy metal and how did you first enter the scene?

Since my young age, I liked pop music. My sister offered me the single 'I Was Made For Lovin' You' of Kiss in 1979 and I immediately understood that I like the music that move, as I like to say :D

2) How large a part does heavy metal figure in your life?

I'm not listening music all the day, but everytime I'm listening an album, it's a heavy metal one, for sure. But as I'm working for a radio show about hard rock and metal, plus for some artists of that music, I would say around 50%.

3) How involved are you in the heavy metal scene- do you attend gigs and festivals regulary/participate in forums on the internet?

It depends the year, but since 1 year, I want to do more metal gigs, I did 3 gigs in 4 months, but that's still depends what band come and where and if I've the money to go. I'm not very festival, even if I attend to some of them sometimes as it'll be the case in August and November 2011. Since I joined UM, I'm connected almost every days :)

4)How often do you consume heavy metal products, eg- band merch, cds do you collect these 0ften?

I'm not buying a lot of CDs, but when I much like a band, I'm trying to collect all their albums, even if that can take time. I'm trying to buy a T-shirt of the bands I like, but not a lot more merch.

5) Is your identity shaped by being a heavy metal fan- do you wear clothes on a daily basis which signify that you are a fan?

Nobody could see that I'm a heavy metal fan when they come to my house, except if I listen an album when they arrive. Except that, I'm not wearing anything else than a heavy metal T-shirt with a simple jeans in a gig. But, I can wear a band's T-shirt even if I'm not in a gig, but not to go to church :D

6) Do you feel you are treated differently for dressing as a metal fan when you're not around other fans?

Not when I'm outside, in the street, but in the church yes, they judge me too easily.

7) Do you feel you are treated differently for being female at gigs and festivals and do you see these spaces as predominantly male dominated or not?

Strangely, I'm not treated differently in a gig, I'm treated differently in the rest of my life :rolleyes: In all the gigs I went, even if there were a lot of females, I think that the males were more than us, but not a lot more, I think.

8) How would you explain your experiences of being a heavy metal fan, what do you like most about the music?

For me, it's a very good experience as I like the music that move, as I said earlier. I'm not at all a dark/black/thrash metal fan, but in general I like a lot the drum and bass in a band. I like a lot the melodic/symphonic metal, for the mix between melodic and sometimes very heavy. I much like the men with long hair and if they're funny and very energic, that's a plus.

9) What do you feel about metal images/lryics which are perhaps considered sexist/ misogynistic?

It depends the band, of course, but I much like the images of the symphonic metal bands. About lyrics, well, I never really listened all the songs (French is my native language), but I don't think it's sexist - well, again, it depends the band. As a Christian, I think I have more difficulties with the bands who wear the cross upside-down or some wrong images about Jesus Christ or God, but it's just my opinion.

10) Do you feel you identify with male/female band members on stage? if so, how?

Not really.

11) have you been in a band, played or own an instrument?


12) Describe your experiences of seeing a favourite band live?

That's simply wonderful, fantastic and huge to see my favourite band live. I've the impression to be in another planet lol That's also great when you know the lyrics and can sing along with your favourite band, a great experience, for sure.

13) What do you feel about the idea that Heavy metal is said to be a very masculine genre of music?, How do you see your own identity as feminine/masculine?

As some female bands exist in heavy metal, I don't know why some people can think it's a masculine genre. In the symphonic metal, the biggest time, the singer is a female, still with a fabulous voice, to be honest. I'm feeling totally feminine.

14) What do you like about metal compared to other types of music?

I can listen a lot of different kind of music, hard rock, country, pop or else (except rap, hip hop or those modern musics), but I have not the same feeling than with heavy metal. That's just my favourite kind of music, I'm not sure I can find a word to explain it.