Are you affected by Globalization?


Creepiness Och Terrorism
Jun 10, 2008
Psychedelic Planet
This word has been around now for quite a while, and it is recognized by almost everyone, but not all the people are aware or understands this phenomena. What do you guys think about its impacts whether in political,economical or cultural arenas, do you think that the third world is affected by the globalization more than the developed countries because of the fact that they are imposing their culture and systems (of different fields) on them? did solve the human conflicts of racism, misunderstanding and led people to be more opened on each other's culture rather than being closed on their own or did just make it worse, and did this shrink of distance between nations made people more closer than before? Or is it a just an ideal way to gently spread ideas of certain people's agenda into the world easier, i mean, things like Theosophy, and get rid of others ? Do you guys feel that your traditions and culture has been edited becoz of this phenomena, i mean, did you felt the loss of your real identity or maybe the sense of belonging to a certain different community which I think it obviously happened/is happening in middle east and north Africa. ?
I would like to know what you think about such subject guys :)
It's an extremely compicated issue but it's a win win situation if handled right. In a business sense, globalization is win if handled right. By handled right I mean that the second world countries involved shouldn't have a working community handled like shit just to serve the richer. It can be a positive catalyst for both the first and second world country if handled right. Culturally, I'm not all that for globalization. Free movement of people, sure. However, the imposing of cultural/religious stuff in the name of freedom/democracy is something that doesn't always go right. Some logical thinking needs to be in there.
well aside from the fact this isnt music related, we;ve been doing this in uni recently and ive got a whole course called globalisation next semester. theres so many advantages and disadvantages its hard to say if its good or not. worst thing is erasing cultures eod.
Haha are you so affected by it, my dear?
Anyways, thread-related, I'd say that I'm against globalization since I feel it only had bad effects. I mean, it's just maybe because there too many humans on Earth and the technology have improved too much. We should all be part of little independant cities that don't feel the need to collaborate with others to get a lower price. Money...
Yeah i know that it's not music related, and if you think you are trying to make this board a better one, you could help it by stop posting your ridicules posts please. I think this forum had enough of people similar to you. God.

Haha are you so affected by it, my dear?
Anyways, thread-related, I'd say that I'm against globalization since I feel it only had bad effects. I mean, it's just maybe because there too many humans on Earth and the technology have improved too much. We should all be part of little independant cities that don't feel the need to collaborate with others to get a lower price. Money...

haha yeah seriously, I'm seeing things from this part of the world, and apparently my view is different from yours in the western world..
I think after the huge effects of colonization of the late 19th until mid 20th century, people had lost a big part of their identity imo. for example, we were colonized by France, now when you walk downtown, most of the buildings have a french mark, french became the language of education right after the junior high school, we use it a lot in our speaking just like a native language (even tho the level of speaking among people is increasing becoz of the education system decline). People are getting things the wrong way i believe, they reject their own language by calling it a language of retarded (which is a retarded statement itself lol), reject their own traditions and rebel against moral rules (like, yelling at your parents coz you simply saw someone doing it in a Hollywood movie as a symbol of freedom) as well as against religion (if you refuse your religion, that means you have a free intellectual mind... :err: ). And the problem that annoys me the most, is the idealization of the western world, whatever they do/say is correct and good and sophisticated . I mean, it's really fine to criticize your society in order to progress, I'm not a conservative person but losing the love of the land where you were born and raised is really dangerous.
The other thing is, globalization can lead people to chaos. It helps leaking false informations and change people's views in a smooth and quick way.
But in the other hand, i think it is helps people to progress in many ways, this forum can be an example, since i've been coming here , i learned a lot of stuff that expanded my knowledge, checking people's artistic work and stuff.. learn other cultures and languages and so on. ain't that bad after all :p
I think that globalization is a good idea, but that it has been implemented horribly. To me, it is pretty much equivalent to giving large corporations money and freedom to do whatever the heck they want, WHEREVER they want, at the expense of the poor and the environment. And then they get bailed out, because they're too big to fail.

Sure, some poor soul in Vietnam is making more by working in a sweat shop, but the problem I have is that they could be making so much more and still bring profit to the company - instead, some CEO who's never worked an honest day in his life is getting rich.

I like the cultural aspect of it, with people from different parts of the world being able to connect (Opeth forum), but even there, people should preserve their languages and identities.

I don't think that it has solved the problems of racism, but that it has pointed out how far away we are from solving these problems. Take, for instance, all the football fans making "monkey" sounds directed towards African players in many countries - Italy, Spain, Eastern Europe, and so on. And these same "fans" have an African or two on their team. This is so backwards on so many levels that it is not even worth discussing.

Anyway, as I have said, I like the idea, but not how it has been approached.
Hmmmm....globalization eh? Interesting...

Well, I'm from Canada (altho Mr. Quebec seemed to have an odd view, but he's a frenchy, so they aren't really part of Canada), and I really like globalization. It is much easier to travel and get into contact with other cultures. Globalization is given a bad rap by, surprise surprise, the Americans, because they simply don't understand what globalization is. It isn't forcing your culture down others throats. Globalization is the effect of new technology making travel and communication possible between parts of the earth separated by vast amounts of land. Think of globalization as a force that is transforming the world into a smaller community, where instead of walking down the street to do business, you travel half-way across the world. And yes, culture is exported, but it is also imported. Mr. USA, think European metal please, then try to hate on globalization.

Anyways, I have nothing but good things to say about it. Many third world countries (South Korea is one that comes to mind) have pulled themselves out of poverty and developed a middle class through the business provided by first world countries. We may pay them horrendous wages, but there is a theory in Macroeconomics that states that money is vastly relative, and their wages are similar to our own. Technically, a cheeseburger costs pretty much the same everywhere in the world, once you factor in currency rates and inflation. Biggsy, you will like your globalization course in uni. It taught me basically everything I've said here. Very interesting stuff...
Well.. odd views.. maybe, but I think you forget about the bad sides of it. I think it's way better, economically and environmentally, to buy local products instead of searching stuff on the other side of the planet. These big travelings have a cost and a big part of pollution* is due to that. I mean, it's, on a personal level, quite rewarding and interesting to learn about other's culture, but on a social level, it may look horrific.

Also glad to feel excluded from Canada because of my language. At least I'm a utopic separatist... Hopefully there are some nice canadians out there.

Think of globalization as a force that is transforming the world into a smaller community, where instead of walking down the street to do business, you travel half-way across the world.

But is it really necessary to travel half-way across the world for simple business matters? It all seems very egocentric, in my opinion. But again, it's hard for me to tell if it's good or not. It sure has positive aspects, but do they balance the negative ones? I couldn't tell, nor any of us. I agree with a big part of what SerenityPaintedLife said.

*I just want to clarify one thing. I'm not talking about the internet, which is, I believe, something awesome to learn what's going on all around the world, even though I think people shouldn't give it too much time. I'm talking about economy, business, money... all that seems to really matter nowaday.
^ Nah man I was just kidding. Didn't you hear? Everyone in Canada hates Quebec? Or so they tell me. :lol:

Anyways, on your point of the egocentricness of going across the globe to do business. It actually isn't egocentric, it is just smart. The whole trading system is based on supply and demand, and the cheap materials will always been in demand. Third-world countries just happen to have really cheap labour and material. Would you rather walk down the street and buy a $50 Opeth album, or walk across the city to buy a $20 cd? It just makes economic sense to go with the cheaper item. But that isn't what globalization is. That is called TRADE and has been effect much longer than globalization.
But again, my main argument is pollution. Becoming dependant to far-away countries for their reduced prices is quite dangerous. Maybe if we find a smart way to replace gasoline... Anyway, I'm not at all an expert on the subject, but I'm more than sure that there are very negative aspects of globalization, and that it will probably and eventually turn into a disaster. Pure speculation, though.

I have read a quite interesting fact :
"During the two last decades, globalization has brought nothing positive in Europe, no growth. It has generated iniquity and environment damages."

Back to the Canada thing... well... I'm quite sure most Canadians really hate Quebec, but all that hate is useless. Like I said, hopefully, there are still some nice canadians that are able to have respect. And I often ask myself : "if the rest of Canada hates us that much, why don't they throw us out of their country?". Everybody would be happy with that, except the anglophones and such who live here. If we can't get a consensus, it's mostly because our population is very diversified, which is still great (I'm open to these things). Anyways. All that hate for something that we are not that much concerned. Glad to be hated if I feel that I have a good cause.

I have nothing more to add and will stop debating on it now. I also don't to start a debate on souverainism, which is something I feel I have done too much in the past.
But again, my main argument is pollution. Becoming dependant to far-away countries for their reduced prices is quite dangerous. Maybe if we find a smart way to replace gasoline... Anyway, I'm not at all an expert on the subject, but I'm more than sure that there are very negative aspects of globalization, and that it will probably and eventually turn into a disaster. Pure speculation, though.
Never looked at it from this perspective actually, it sounds quite interesting
I have read a quite interesting fact :
"During the two last decades, globalization has brought nothing positive in Europe, no growth. It has generated iniquity and environment damages."
Could you post the link of the original source if it is online please? thanks
Biggsy, you will like your globalization course in uni. It taught me basically everything I've said here. Very interesting stuff...

yeah it should be alright. im just a bit concerned itll turn out to be political instead of factual. for example one of my main concerns is the watering down of cultures and i think there may be some political pressure to endorse multiculturalism in this country which means that point would sort of be overlooked
But again, my main argument is pollution. Becoming dependant to far-away countries for their reduced prices is quite dangerous. Maybe if we find a smart way to replace gasoline... Anyway, I'm not at all an expert on the subject, but I'm more than sure that there are very negative aspects of globalization, and that it will probably and eventually turn into a disaster. Pure speculation, though.

I have read a quite interesting fact :
"During the two last decades, globalization has brought nothing positive in Europe, no growth. It has generated iniquity and environment damages."

Back to the Canada thing... well... I'm quite sure most Canadians really hate Quebec, but all that hate is useless. Like I said, hopefully, there are still some nice canadians that are able to have respect. And I often ask myself : "if the rest of Canada hates us that much, why don't they throw us out of their country?". Everybody would be happy with that, except the anglophones and such who live here. If we can't get a consensus, it's mostly because our population is very diversified, which is still great (I'm open to these things). Anyways. All that hate for something that we are not that much concerned. Glad to be hated if I feel that I have a good cause.

I have nothing more to add and will stop debating on it now. I also don't to start a debate on souverainism, which is something I feel I have done too much in the past.

You're definitely right on the pollution aspect. All that importing and exporting has to be damaging the environment, although I'm not sure I buy the environmentalist's concerns regarding the apparent feebleness of a planet that has been through changes much more radical than a little bit of air pollution.

And the Canada thing, I'm not really sure why people from Quebec get such a bad rap either. I know quite a few people from Quebec and they are all very nice. My roommate lived in Quebec for several years and he really enjoyed it. I think it may be the people who are still bitter about you guys trying to secede from Canada, although I don't really see how that makes much difference. The thing is, if "we" get rid of "you", our economy would take a big hit, as well as our standing with the rest of the world. Quebec is the largest province in Canada, and possibly one of our few bastions of culture that is separate from America.

Rock on Quebecois! Any place that can produce a band like Gris must be awesome! :kickass:
I do not doubt a second of the damages humanity as done to ecosystems and the balance of the Earth, not at all. Would like to know what bigger damages you were thinking of.

...Gris, indeed, great band! And so on. But it's all about culture. Wherever, whoever I meet, I don't say "I'm from Canada", I just say "I'm from Quebec" because the province is actually so independant from the rest of Canada that it appears to the rest of the world as a country. I'm not at all hateful toward Canada, and surprisingly I don't give a fuck about nationality. I just don't want to considered as a "frenchie" for acts that others have done. I think we should be appart from Canada only because of culture, and because of all that useless hate that the rest of the country seems to think about us. There's a lot of argument on the two sides, and I just don't want to debate about it, because I know that in the end, it's just about how I feel. There's no way Quebec will become a country. And after all, it's a matter of point of view.
The other big damages I would be thinking about are meteorites hitting the earth, volcanoes going off and releasing toxic gases into the environment, ice ages, heat waves of massive proportion, ect ect. The earth has been through alot, and there have been a total of 5 (maybe 6?) major extinctions in the history of the earth, the dinosaurs being the most recent one, although not at all the largest. Sometimes the majority of the earth is so toxic because of this or that that barely any species can survive. Now do you honestly think that a little bit of pollution can compare to...oh lets say a massive earthquake like the one that split apart Pangaea releasing major toxins from the core of the earth?

Case is rested.
Depends what you consider "little". I think it's clear by now that the effects are considerable. It's not as big as a meteor, but in the end it may have the same results if we don't act. But again, the modern human reflex is to think about damn money. Idiots.