Are you buyin' any of these three?


Just curious if anyone will be getting any of three records?
Six Feet Under's new live disc?
I was under the impression that they would issue Grave Yard Classics 2, but I guess that would make too much sense?!
Iced Earth's The Blessed & The Damned
And also The King Diamond Double disc, untitled record....
I know there's quite the KD following around here, so that's probably a stupid question...
Me personally, I plan on getting all three.
I have also been think about the Force of Evil DVD, I have yet to see a good review of it. In fact, I have only seen one, on BW&BK. They basically thought it was "flat" & "premature." I thought the same when I saw a Live dvd was in the works....:erk:
SFU : mmm I don't think I'll buy it, maybe I'll try to give it a listen, SFU is a fun band. But please no more covers album, enough with the butchery :loco:

IE : Best-of's are useless, unless the songs are re-recorded. And there's not a single bonus on this IE compilation...

KD : Sure I will get it! :worship:
YOUVE NEVER HEARD SFU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! HOLY SHIT hahaha Well they prolly are not up your ally anyway hahahahahahahaha ..... I dont really see the Point in another SFU live album Dont they have 2 already Plus an EP...... Not that I like them that much haahahha I only Bought Double Dead reduex cause sinnerider was at the Show hahahaha
Greeno said:
Nope. What are they like?

hahaha Death Metal. There First 2 albums are Death Metal Master peices With the excellent and Talented Allen West on guitar After that they Kinda slid into the typical Death Metal Mold .... But those first 2 albums graeat shit
JonnyD said:
I figured you would .... Tho if your Ever feeling Adventurous Check out thier 1st cd Haunted Theres Some Damn Fine Guitar work there :D

I've heard some death album were the music is just fantastic and I start think "man, I dig these guys", but then the vocals start and my brain just turns off. I know it's just because I'm oldschool (and just plain old) but I can't get past them.

To me death metal is like a beautiful naked woman covered in shit.... you know what I mean? :) Put that in your signature and smoke it. :D
I have a very small collection of Death Metal and I love it. Death and Thrash go very well together. As far as the 'death vocals' they become just part of the overall sound of the music. I never try to listen to the words or look for the lyrics......IT'S ALL IN THE MUSIC, I care not about what's being said. Hahahaha! :)
What about Black Metal Delize? any in your collection and what you think of it? .. as for Death whats in your collection or do you recommend? I know you have to have Cannibal Corpse in that collection right? lol ... great band.. Deicide as well...
Unfaithfully Metalhead said:
What about BM Greeno? you might like the vocals in such bands better plus the music itself can be very good..

No not a BM fan either. I've not heard much but what I have I didn't like. A friend at work tries to turn me onto BM and death but I just don't get it. Oh well.
delize said:
I never try to listen to the words or look for the lyrics......IT'S ALL IN THE MUSIC, I care not about what's being said. Hahahaha! :)

Not picking on you Delize but this blows my mind! I've heard MANY people into BM and DM say that. If that's the case then why have a singer grunting over top of the music... just get rid of him all together.

Man, do I show my age when talking about DM and BM or what??!!! :lol:
SFU: Nope. Everything I have heard from them is boring to me. Some of the riffs are good but Chris totally sucks with them and I think he sounds terrible. I like the older Cannibal Corpse stuff much better.

IE: I may but it's definately not on my priority list as they have really given no reason for the fans to go out and buy it. It seems to be more of a 'starter kit' for the newcomers.

KD: Abso-fucking-lutely.
Unfaithfully Metalhead said:
What about Black Metal Delize? any in your collection and what you think of it? .. as for Death whats in your collection or do you recommend? I know you have to have Cannibal Corpse in that collection right? lol ... great band.. Deicide as well...

I don't have any Black Metal except for
Celtic Frost and one album by Venom. And
a few sample mp3s from other BM bands.
I can't say I like BM very much.

No I sure don't have Cannible Corpse or
Deicide. I don't like that kind of

Well like I said I have a small collection,
and here's a few of my favorites I'd recommend:

Entombed's -
"Left Hand Path"
"Morning Star"

At the Gates - "Slaughter of the Soul"

Murder Squad- "Ravenous, Murderous"

Nightrage -"Sweet Vengance"

I also like the grindcore/death metal
band Carcass:
"Necroticism - Descanting the Insalubious"
"Wake up and Smell the Carcass"
Greeno said:
Not picking on you Delize but this blows my mind! I've heard MANY people into BM and DM say that. If that's the case then why have a singer grunting over top of the music... just get rid of him all together.

Man, do I show my age when talking about DM and BM or what??!!! :lol:

I have no idea! Hahaha! I could listen without vocals to just about any music. Maybe that's why I can tune the vocals out. I just love the music of the bands I listed above. When I play them I want to get up and dance my fool head off....hahaha! Sometimes I do. :lol:

No you aren't showing your age. You just have different taste. Besides you aren't that much older than I am :)
Greeno said:
Oh I didn't know that they were death metal... In that case I will definitly be skipping this one. :D
I won. I've been skipping them for years :lol: