Are you buyin' any of these three?

Psychonaut said:
SFU: Nope. Everything I have heard from them is boring to me. Some of the riffs are good but Chris totally sucks with them and I think he sounds terrible. I like the older Cannibal Corpse stuff much better.

IE: I may but it's definately not on my priority list as they have really given no reason for the fans to go out and buy it. It seems to be more of a 'starter kit' for the newcomers.

KD: Abso-fucking-lutely.
The IE disc could be seen as a starter kit, I like that. I think I will use that from time to time. Do you mind? I will get it, yeah I have everything on there, but I'm a sucker for expanded liners written by the band...
I knew you were down with the "KING."
Thanks for the reply,
Ok the KISS comment hurt. But I am through weeping. Anyways, I'll buy the ICED EARTH disc only because I love 'em but don't have any of their albums....other than a coupla cdr's that SWINE hooked me up with so It'd be a cool place to start for me...I WILL BUY THE KING DIAMOND, HELL YEAH, as I am forever in his coven since Puppetmaster came out. SFU I donno about. I like 'em ok. Chris Barnes is cool in my book. I really like the last album with "America the Brutal" on it. So they're ok to me but nothing I'd sell plasma or sperm to get....hahahahaha NOW, KISS on the other pun intended...
I'm not sure about the Iced Earth yet. I have everything on there but I too am a sucker for everything my favorite bands put out. As long as you don't turn into a KISS I will usually buy what a band puts out if they are one of my favorites. Like two years ago when I bought Edward The Great by Iron Maiden even though I already had all their albums plus Best Of The Beast.

King Diamond - Are you fucking kidding me? Of course! I saw him on that last tour and he was fucking phenomenal.
Greeno said:
I've heard some death album were the music is just fantastic and I start think "man, I dig these guys", but then the vocals start and my brain just turns off. I know it's just because I'm oldschool (and just plain old) but I can't get past them.

To me death metal is like a beautiful naked woman covered in shit.... you know what I mean? :) Put that in your signature and smoke it. :grin:

:grin: the big difference being that you could still get the Death Metal ... but even if the Beautiful WAS covered in shit you still wouldnt get her :loco: doeas that make sense old buddy!?! heheheeheh Your Oldschool ol boy you cant be old because your not a Hell of alot older than me and I am Foreverfucking young!:grin:
Psychonaut said:
SFU: Nope. Everything I have heard from them is boring to me. Some of the riffs are good but Chris totally sucks with them and I think he sounds terrible. I like the older Cannibal Corpse stuff much better.

To me he sounds way better with SFU than he ever did with Cannibal Corpse.
sixxswine said:
The IE disc could be seen as a starter kit, I like that. I think I will use that from time to time. Do you mind? I will get it, yeah I have everything on there, but I'm a sucker for expanded liners written by the band...
I knew you were down with the "KING."
Thanks for the reply,

Haha. No, I don't mind at all. Help yourself!
Originally Posted by Greeno:
To me death metal is like a beautiful naked woman covered in shit.... you know what I mean?

This has got to be THE BEST one liner of the year for UM Old School!
Good one Greeno!!!!!!
I don't agree, but funny!!!!!!
sixxswine said:
Originally Posted by Greeno:
To me death metal is like a beautiful naked woman covered in shit.... you know what I mean?

This has got to be THE BEST one liner of the year for UM Old School!
Good one Greeno!!!!!!
I don't agree, but funny!!!!!!
