Any of you have kids ?


May 9, 2006
I just had my first kid, a baby girl named Zoe. So far it's been a tough ride, both psicological and money-wise. She spent 26 days is the NICU (7 months premature) and after 3 months, she's big and smart. So, any of you have bands or studios + kids ? How are you handling that ?

congrats!! and that sucks you had to go through that NICU stuff. you sure about 7 months premature? at two months the baby is basically a mass of cells.

I have 2 boys around 4 months old now. It's a wild ride. No band or studio though.

If there's a few things I've learned, it's that kids really teach you how to put your "needs" second. and when your time is limited, you can actually get a lot more accomplished than if you have hours and hours of freedom.
Congratulations!!!! I have a 2 year old boy and a girl on the way. I don't have a professional studio but I do have a tough time keeping my boy's hands off my amp settings. Something about those big silver knobs gravitates him toward it.
you sure about 7 months premature? at two months the baby is basically a mass of cells.
i was 6 months premature lol i was TINY!

and congratulations man!!! times will be hard, but all the good times will be remembered forever.

my guitarist just had a baby girl two months ago, and i think its wicked! he's one of the nicest guys i know! :kickass:
so you're telling me that you looked like this when you were born?

I think 6 or 7 months premature can only be understood as: "there are 3 or 2 months left to 9 months".
As far as I know, there was one case where they gave birth to a 20 week baby.
So this could be considered as the limit.
Sorry guys, have no internet access at my home, so i couldnt answer...Yeah 7 months premature sounds weird in english, so let me re-phrase it : A premature delivery of a 7 months gestation.

THis one thing i already learned it's that i need to manage my time better..i have tons of to-do work, but since my wife had this tough pregnancy, she's still a bit sore and we have no help, i literally have to run from home to studio and from studio to home, so things have been crazy.

It sure is the best thing in the world, i am having a great time being a father, even with all the problems we had since the pregnancy, but i am still having a hard time managing the other aspects of my life...
Sorry guys, have no internet access at my home, so i couldnt answer...Yeah 7 months premature sounds weird in english, so let me re-phrase it : A premature delivery of a 7 months gestation.

THis one thing i already learned it's that i need to manage my time better..i have tons of to-do work, but since my wife had this tough pregnancy, she's still a bit sore and we have no help, i literally have to run from home to studio and from studio to home, so things have been crazy.

It sure is the best thing in the world, i am having a great time being a father, even with all the problems we had since the pregnancy, but i am still having a hard time managing the other aspects of my life...

What I started doing was keeping track of what I was doing in 15 minute segments. Being able to look back at whatever I was able to do in even this short block of time helped me stay focused and not get all bent out of shape if I got interrupted.

Hell, if the kid was melting down or other shit was happening, I would even take a moment to think to myself" Well, I did manage to read these few pages in the last 5 minutes" or "Hey, I did manage to complete this step of whatever project I am in the middle of" or whatever, so that I was at least aware of accomplishing SOMETHING, even small shit like that, before leaving what I was doing to help the kid. Because, otherwise, it was really easy to get down on myself or resentful for seemingly not getting ANYTHING done :lol:

And then I had to learn to extend that same awareness of getting even little mundane shit done to my wife, and take a few moments during the day to say what I noticed her getting done once in a while, because otherwise it was really easy for her to get down on herself or resentful for seemingly not getting anything done ON TOP OF feeling unappreciated by me :oops:
Her name is Zoe? So you are greek I guess?
I am going to have a sister and her name will be Eriety. Have you ever heard something similiar in Greece?
OH....PUH-LEASE! ;) ;) ;)

You guys got it easy!

I have 17 month old triplets!

They were born at 31 weeks (9 weeks early)...My wife went into early labor really early and spent 56 days in the OB ICU on magnesium sulfate, a muscle relaxant to stop contractions...Even then, the babies were that early. Our kids were in the NICU for between 42 days to 50 days between the 3.

Our hospital bill topped 500K, and after our insurance the bills were still over 50% of what I make a year. And, yes we did in vitro to have the trips. So, the money we've lost to bills and such has put a huge damper on acquiring new studio gear.

But, I wouldn't trade it for the world. Having kids is the ultimate for me.

We knew it was a risk as my wife and I lost twins in '05. They were born really premature and their lungs were not strong enough for them to survive (my wife's body just doesn't like being pregnant, to say it in easy terms). They lived for about an hour and passed...But, the ordeal strengthened our resolve and proved to us how much we wanted to be parents.

The triplets were not planned and we took every precaution to not make the pregnancy too risky, but we still got "lucky"!

As for time, it's tough no doubt...A band, trying to do the studio thing, the kids, my wife, etc. It can be overwhelming. I had to really slow down the band thing for a short time. We didn't do many shows all of last year, which was unfortunate because we had som REALLY great opportunities and chances, but without "being out there", it hurt the interest we had garnered.

It's better now that they are 17 months. We are used to the kids and our life, know our routine (which you HAVE to have) and that allows us some good flexibility. The only thing that I miss is alone time with my wife. If we want to go out, it's one of us going out and the other watching the kids. Her family isn't much in the way of babysitting, and my parents live 125 miles away, so my wife and I are our only support system for the most part.

Lay out a plan, talk to your spouse about what you want (or significant other) and it can work.

I lost my "studio" at the house...I went from 2 tracking rooms and a control room to just a control room. So, I'm pretty much limited to mixing and mastering here, no tracking unless I do it somewhere else.

But, the extra money I make is nice since we do have kids. And, now that they are older, this new CD release has opened some doors back up. We have some endorsements and artist pricing deals, which again, is a godsend for me personally with the cost of the trips. Instead of 2-3 practices a week, we have just one long marathon practice night. I also have quite a bit of free time at my job, so editing projects, doing band business, etc. is very easily done (thanks to a laptop computer)!

Sorry for the length. There aren't many people on music forums that ever seem interested in kids, so I splurge when I can. Being a parent is the best music you'll ever make (cheesy, I know). I'd give it all up for them if I had to, but with careful planning, you can fulfill all the goals you put out for yourself and not miss a beat with your kids.

good luck and congrats!
Yeah, I have a son that's three and a half. He occasionally does unexpected things as all three year olds do... :headbang:

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