Are you scared of heights?

Are you scared of heights?

  • Yes

    Votes: 12 37.5%
  • No

    Votes: 20 62.5%

  • Total voters
From memory I think you have the same job as I do Belligerent. I don't generally have any trouble if the ladder is secure, strand hooks are being used, harness on etc. I've had to work on a few two-story houses where there was nothing to secure the ladder or my harness to and that's the only time I get scared at all. It's also the only time I've come off, which doesn't help.
I'm only scared if I'm free without and straps or anything, like on top of a high building or something like that.
Not irrationally so. I'd be worried if I was on a shaky ladder or something, but amusement park rides or whatever don't bother me at all

This, for the most part... But I do have a built in fear of heights. When I'm on a ladder I get scarred if I go up even slightly high; like 8 feet or more. If I have a harness it doesn't bother me one bit though.

I had this big tree in my back yard growing up. It had a rope hanging from it that I would swing around on as a child. When I got to be about 14 some of my friends would actually climb to the top of the tree & swing from the rope like tarzan. The tree was probably about 16-20 feet up off the ground from the part they would swing from. They hoaxed me into climbing to the top to swing, & the way the tree was once you got to where you would swing from there was really no way out of it because you wouldn't have anything to grab on to. I guess if you were super nible you could climb back down, but I sure wasn't. When I got to the top & grabbed onto the rope & looked down I got scarred as fuck. Never in my life have I been so scarred of heights. I was probably high too & I thought life was over. Needless to say, it took me about 20 minutes before I could stomach swinging down from the tree.
If I'm in something enclosed I'm fine. Otherwise, I get a little panicked. I worked at Bed Bath and Beyond a couple of years ago and we had to use these tall and sometimes wobbly ladders to get merchandise for customers and stocking purposes. That was the worst aspect of the job. :erk:
From memory I think you have the same job as I do Belligerent. I don't generally have any trouble if the ladder is secure, strand hooks are being used, harness on etc. I've had to work on a few two-story houses where there was nothing to secure the ladder or my harness to and that's the only time I get scared at all. It's also the only time I've come off, which doesn't help.
Your memory serves you right, we do have the same job. I'm usually only freaked out when i'm ON the pole with the extention ladder fully extended.

Its probably all in my head but once my feet are 3 rungs from the top thats when i get paranoid.
I'm usually scared whenever I'm high enough off the ground that I could die by something even as unlikely as going over a railing. In those situations, I often have fantasies of someone nearby stumbling into me or the like, and I tend to cling on to whatever sturdy objects are available.

A few years ago, I was doing some urban exploration with some friends, and we came to a water tower that was maybe 30 or 40 meters tall. Of the four of us, I was the only one who didn't climb it. It seemed like very little reward for such an enormous fucking risk. Maybe that's just me though.
Awhile back when i was an Electrician i worked with this daredevil fucktardo, Eric was his name. We got on this scissors lift and extended it all the way up, this dude hopped off the lift onto an even higher boiler in this boiler room without a harness etc. He was fearless but expected me to do the same thing. I looked at him and laughed like "you expect me to do that?:lol:"
I'm one of those persons that would jump off something rly rly high just for the hell of it. I'm not scared of heights or death.
