Are you using earplugs ?


Oct 30, 2010
I hope so!
For years I've used those cheap orange foamy plugs .. then like 2 years ago tried the Pacatos (Planet wave) and that a mind blowing improvement.
Story short : I lost them and I'm shopping for earplugs again.

It's either the Pacatos or the "Etymotic Research ER20" so far.
Pacatos are 25$ on amazon and Etymotic 15$ but someone once told me the Etymotic were much better.

I hope some of you have experienced both and tell which is better ?
Was using the hearos hifi ones, but got a pair of some new company called Earasers for free from a friend and really liking them. They are a little weird, but a trade off of reduction for not sounding under water or muffled. Not sure it's worth the retail price tho
Was using the hearos hifi ones, but got a pair of some new company called Earasers for free from a friend and really liking them. They are a little weird, but a trade off of reduction for not sounding under water or muffled. Not sure it's worth the retail price tho

I have earasers too! Great live, very clear. Slightly less volume attenuating than the Hearos though
Earplugs are like sunglasses to me, I cant afford to get nice ones because I lose or break them almost immediately. My drummer got me a pile of the christmas tree looking ones from a factory where he delivers stuff so I use those, they make everything sound wacky but they are less muffled than just using the cheapo foam ones. I hate the foam ones.