ARENA-- awesome band

Mikael is God

Master of Bating
Jul 7, 2001
wow i just came across this band arena yesterday..... the cd looked cool so i bought it and fuck its amazing.... they are like progressive rock/metal / stoned out of their minds....... its amazing.... the album is called --- immortal? -- yes with the quesiton mark.... go fucking listen to this shit now its amazing its genious... for those of you who are too "brutal" this band isnt for you and you should go listen to some dreidel of filth instead.....
Arena is one of my 5 favorite bands. It's absolutely amazing. Immortal? is my favorite album, but you should also check out The Visitor and Pride, both of which come very close. The Visitor is a concept album on a religious theme, and Pride has a song Sirens which is similar to Moviedrome from Immortal? In fact, I don't think they have come up with anything that is less than excelent.